HELP! Post injection pain is killing me!


New member
Hello fellow users,
So I started my 2nd cycle (test prop 200mg eod) last week, and every time I inject the pain gets worst (post injection pain). Yesterday I inject in my right thigh, within few hours I can barely walk! I had to take a taxi to my car which was parked 5 min walking distance becuase of the pain. I even measrued my thigh and it was 1.5 inches bigger. My gf even says it looks inflated. I dont see any redness or bruises, only my thigh is inflated a bit, and its very painfull to touch.
Yes I have heated my oil, and yes I massaged my thigh raelly well.
Please tell me if this is normal. If not, how the hell can I avoid this pain!
For starters, QUIT massaging an area that has experienced trauma (inserting a small knife filled with oil) as this makes it WORSE. How long is this PIP lasting? I normally would give it two weeks, and then see a doctor for such a terrible B12 injection (hint hint) if it continues to be like that.

It could be many things really. Poor BA/BB ratio in the oil to keep it from crashing (I hope that's not 200mg/mL), not pinning deep enough, nicking nerves, hitting the iliotibial band (this one sucks a LOT), contaminated gear, poor sterility practices with injection, allergic reactions to the carrier, et cetera.

My money is on the prop being fire in a vial, which can be fixed by diluting it with a gentler oil like enanthate or even just sterile grapeseed oil. PLEASE read up on how to sterilize oils before you attempt (if you choose this route) to dilute your gear, as infections are no joke.

My .02c :)
Thank you so much for the great info!
One more thing, I read about using grape seed oil and using it 50:50 ratio with the test prop.
Is this safe? If so where is the best place to buy sterile grape seed oil?
I had the worse pain in my quad also last year and was scared to inject in quads for the longest. Leateley I've used the smallest pin I could, I even used an insulin pin since very lead in quads, and done smaller doses. Also helps to move up and down the quad since you have more fresh meat. So since using smaller mg per injection I have been able to slowly up the mg to the desired amount. May be pussy but no pain and it worked.
Thank you so much for the great info!
One more thing, I read about using grape seed oil and using it 50:50 ratio with the test prop.
Is this safe? If so where is the best place to buy sterile grape seed oil?

What is your prop dosed at? Even at 125mg/ml I can't make it painless. The highest I go for that shit is 100mg/ml and that has sting to it. I will pm you a source of sterile gso oil, but I would personally suggest cottonseed oil. Prop will almost always hurt. If you ever look at the raw powder you can even see a distinct crystalline appearance to it, almost looks sharp for a lack of better word. The raw powder looks painful, and it is. Man up if you want to run prop lol. I will pm you the source now.
I forgot to mention that I hit mu quad in 90 degree angle (top of my thigh, not the side). Maybe that's why my leg is inflated? did I hit a nerve or something?
I forgot to mention that I hit mu quad in 90 degree angle (top of my thigh, not the side). Maybe that's why my leg is inflated? did I hit a nerve or something?

Relax but you probably did not hit a nerve. Prop hurts like hell and it will get a little better with time lol
I've ran a prop cycle before, and it never hurt like this... I have a shot today, and im not looking forward to it :(
I forgot to mention that I hit mu quad in 90 degree angle (top of my thigh, not the side). Maybe that's why my leg is inflated? did I hit a nerve or something?

90 degrees is how it's done, but if you're pinning the rectus femoris - that could explain some of the pain. Stick to the vastus lateralis (top outside edge) for best results.

I haven't looked for oil in some time, but I think rui used to carry it. I'd still filter it though - don't want to risk infection.
200mgs on your first run? Dayum thats gonna hurt, my first time taking prop was a biotch. Baseball size irritation for 3 days.
90 degrees is how it's done, but if you're pinning the rectus femoris - that could explain some of the pain. Stick to the vastus lateralis (top outside edge) for best results.

I haven't looked for oil in some time, but I think rui used to carry it. I'd still filter it though - don't want to risk infection.

How do you even pin quads? I will hit any spot other than quads or calves. I tried quads like ten times and every time the result was the same, and I was in pain and had to move leg day back. Do some people just always have issues with quad shots? I know that my injection technique is good, and the gear is painless anywhere else but quads.
How do you even pin quads? I will hit any spot other than quads or calves. I tried quads like ten times and every time the result was the same, and I was in pain and had to move leg day back. Do some people just always have issues with quad shots? I know that my injection technique is good, and the gear is painless anywhere else but quads.

I have had a couple of the guys say same thing that its last place they will pin because if they do they will limp for days.
I wouldent personally know but it seems like a painful spot.
For me the art to pinning quads, even though i rarely do because i like other places better, is to sit flat on the floor and put a pillow under the bend in your knee to relieve tension.

Also go high, don't get near the teardrop.
How do you even pin quads? I will hit any spot other than quads or calves. I tried quads like ten times and every time the result was the same, and I was in pain and had to move leg day back. Do some people just always have issues with quad shots? I know that my injection technique is good, and the gear is painless anywhere else but quads.

Vastus lateralis my friend. Take one hand-width down from the hip, one up from the knee on the outside edge. All of that is prime real estate for pinning. If I start putting the needle in, and feel a sharp pinch, it's too close to a nerve, and I move an inch or two over. I pin slowly myself, and take my time getting through the fascia. I do this seated at the edge of my bed with my legs nice and relaxed.

I'm not going to lie, bad pins do happen, but they can happen anywhere. In fact, I'm still limping a little from a nerve hit in the VG I did last week lol.