Recent content by thebestpreworkout

  1. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    I don't know our exact stats but I know that I have reached some king of peak after 10 years. I have a question.. so my friend got his blood values taken and they are 52.05 nmol/L Reference range (5.8-28) They were taken on a day that should have had 2777 MG total using a 10.5 day half...
  2. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    Ah okay thanks!! I will grab some HCG ASAP. Isn't Clomid just an aromatise inhibitor as well?? The reasoning behind switching from Arimadex --> Aromasin in the PCT is that I read that there are some interactions that lead to inefficiency . (Google "Letrozole Dosage Steroidal" to...
  3. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    I am 30 he is 26. I feel we are too deep to stop unless we notice something super serious happen. Blood levels will be checked soon and I feel like I planned quite a lot but a mistake was made. I would rather just adjust and adapt instead of fully stop. Thanks for the luck and advice i ts...
  4. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    Everyone makes mistakes !! we just gotta own up to em and correct as well learn from it haha. Stress really does mess up the mind
  5. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    Okay so sorry it took me a while to write this up***8230;***8230;. (Yes by fina I mean finasteride) thank you all for your replies and advice!! My friend.. lets call him ***8220;T***8221; and myself wanted to do a cycle this summer. He had some time constraints so only wanted to do 8 weeks...
  6. thebestpreworkout

    First time Cycle, 9 week, test e base . Need advice and feedback

    I meant one day of 100mg and then down to 60 but we will just do 60. I have posted on the other forum with a full explanation
  7. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    first pins were 3 ml per ventral glute. then we switched it to 1.5 each quad and 1.5 each ventral glute.. will be following your guys advice
  8. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    Totally not trolling. I don't know why but I thought the entire container was 250 mg and that 1 ML = 25 MG So the math was off. I am an idiot. He started it earlier then me but I did 1500 / week for 2 weeks as well. We did 3 ML / hip and had EXTREME post injection pain lasting a week. We...
  9. thebestpreworkout

    Accidental super high dosage (1500+ Test-e ) / week

    Deleted dupe thread Deleted dupe
  10. thebestpreworkout

    Made a huge mistake and messed up dosages. Advice please

    Hey guys so total rookie here doing a first cycle and messed up big time. So instead of taking 250mg TEST - E 3x a week a friend and I took 1500mg 3x a week for 2 weeks and just realized this today. What should we do ? We have been taking 1.25mg fina daily and .5 arimadex daily as...
  11. thebestpreworkout

    First time Cycle, 9 week, test e base . Need advice and feedback

    Hey Guys, So I am doing my first cycle with a friend. I have over 10 years of exercise experience and I always feel that I reach the same plateus and possibly my genetic max at about 150 lbs. Hoping to gain 15 lbs. Would rather do 10 weeks of on cycle but had to create this timeline as this is...