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  • Hey dude, I noticed that you deleted your posts around the same time I got in trouble for checking sources through this.

    Just wanted to say that I apologize if I got you in trouble here, it was really not my intention. I was not aware that 'messages' were also off limits for source check.

    I understand if you don't reply to any of my posts, I fucked up.

    You were one of the first people who would reply to my posts and provided me with awesome info. I apreciate that, for real.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry in case I get banned from here because of that incident.

    Good luck, bro
    Clsmth is the guy ask for help. just let us know when you start if you want open a thread for your cycle I will follow it bro, good luck
    DNA pharmaceuticals? search for this thread is the only thing I found about this ugl, looks is good to go, not much info bro, hope it helps
    Bro sorry had no feedback about your gear at this time, I will keep asking if you need it.
    Not a problem as soon as I get the feedback if my buddy has anything I let you know, I never herad about them.
    Bro I sent an email to a friend see he can help you with some feedback about this gear.I let you know
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