Recent content by tjkita

  1. tjkita

    test tren dbol pct

    thanks for input thanks for the input everyone. Greatly appreciated. I know no source checks but where can I get more Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) without ordering more aas? Btw Anyone from de area out there?
  2. tjkita

    test tren dbol pct

    age 38 bf 15 going to kick wifh dbol test e and tren. Advised that dbolkicks in 4 weeks tnentren and test will
  3. tjkita

    test tren dbol pct

    okay 220 lbs stocky 5 foot 8 done aas for 3 yrs. Friends with vets. pst cycles deca test deca test etc
  4. tjkita

    test tren dbol pct

    been out of the scene fora bit butgetting back into it. Family issues. Going to do tren 400 test 300 dbol 4 weeks. 12 week cycle. Only have one vial oqf hcg for a blast. pct nolva 40 40 20 20 clomid 50 50 50 50 aromasin 1.5 eod hcg one vial don't know dose for a blast phase???? do I need...
  5. tjkita

    test tren cycle update

    What's your PCT plan look like? Any negative sides from the tren yet? Night sweats?
  6. tjkita

    Tren E post cycle therapy (pct) Advise

    Tren E PCT Advise Hello everyone. My last cycle was test/deca. Test at 600 deca at 500 for 16 weeks of test and 14 of deca. I ran HCG for 14 weeks then clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20 and I was still hurting. ED, low sex drive, etc. Took over 2 months to fully recoop. Now I'm...
  7. tjkita

    Third cycle of test/tren/dbol

    Thinking of doing test 300 per week and tren 400 per week for my third cycle. Not new to AAS. My question is will this make me a horndog like my second cycle of 600 test and 500 deca?? My other question is do I need to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) since tren does not convert estrogen in...
  8. tjkita

    RS Transderm

    Has anyone ever tried Ruthless supplement Transaderm testosterone gel. Does it work?
  9. tjkita

    Helladrol Cycle Help...

    What are you using for a test base?
  10. tjkita

    Test base

    Trying to stay away from injectable test. Is there any creams or products that provide a test base for a cycle of hdrol? Any help would be great.
  11. tjkita

    natural stimulants for alaertness, well being and maybe some fat loss

    Can anyone recommend a product like ginsing to help me stay awake and alert during the day. I work shift work and it's getting tough staying awake during the day/night. I'm eating good, plenty of vegies and fruits. Not a fan of coffee b/c it gives me the shakes.
  12. tjkita

    Are there any Natural Test bases

    Anyone out there? Should I take stanzol or something else for a test like base?
  13. tjkita

    Are there any Natural Test bases

    Are there any Natural Test bases for a cycle of liquid h-drol? I've done a couple of cycles already, not prohormone cycles though. I bought it to add it into a AAS cycle but didn't use it. Been around here and on other sights before. Not a newby to AAS. Just looking for an alternative to...
  14. tjkita

    Injection site

    He means running deca and tren at the same time. Both are 19 nors which means they are hard on the body. They may even compete for the same receptors, not sure?