Injection site


I am banned!
I am currently pinning Test P EOD, Deca and Tren E, 1x weekly. Is it ok to use the same injection site for the different gear a day apart?
no you should alternate among injection sites to reduce scar tissue and to not wear out your receptors.
no you should alternate among injection sites to reduce scar tissue and to not wear out your receptors.
I usually do, however, with test p being eod, sometimes it hard. My concern is that one day the site is getting test p and the next day either Deca or Tren it ok for the site to have two different roids in it?
Having different AAS in the same injection site is fine. The question is why are you running two 19-nors together? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I try to make it so that I inject in each location no more than once weekly. Rotate sites.
Having different AAS in the same injection site is fine. The question is why are you running two 19-nors together? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I try to make it so that I inject in each location no more than once weekly. Rotate sites.

Sorry for my ignorance, but what do you mean "recipe for disaster"-how?
He means running deca and tren at the same time. Both are 19 nors which means they are hard on the body. They may even compete for the same receptors, not sure?
They both shut you down hard and will increase prolactin. If your not running a prolactin inhibitor with this cycle your probably not going to be able to get your dick up for shit.