Recent content by Trammelly

  1. Trammelly

    14 - 4 weeks out comparison - Toolifter

    he's got some nice forearms goin on for him.. keep it up!!
  2. Trammelly

    My contest results and pix

    I Co-Sign to the above statement!! Great work bro!!
  3. Trammelly

    6 months off cyle

    Bast & Liquillo78: Before I was at 215lbs. I dieted down with the help of Clen to try and lose unwanted belly fat around my lower abs. I figured since I already had a pretty decent build I could make steady progess by eating right and through hard training. So when I got my abs in decent check I...
  4. Trammelly

    Best for hair loss

    i wouldnt even worry about topical hair solutions or pills, because sooner or later its all going to fall out anyways. my plans are to a hair probrably the only solution that would work for going bald. but with that being said there are stuff that has been listed on this...
  5. Trammelly

    6'0 195..tell me what needs work

    Welcome to ology! Overall you have a great look. IMO I would hit your delts, bi's/tris, and maybe work those abs if you could. Your chest looks like your strongest part and you have a wide back so you could get that up to par in no time. But for 6 months of training you look exceptional. Keep...
  6. Trammelly

    PO Box

    i work at the USPS. they are doing that because people are "skeeming". so they are making it more secure, so "bad people" wont have such an easy time "skeeming" others. but in my opinion its all bullshit because its still going to happen anyways. but thats our government at work doing its best..
  7. Trammelly

    sleep deprivation

    I get a consistent 4 hrs of sleep a night because of my schedule and it doesnt really effect me that much when im training during the week. I can honestly say i feel alot better sleeping very few hours rather than 8hrs or above. On my part if i get 8 or more hrs of sleep a night i feel so damn...
  8. Trammelly


    just wanted to say you have a nice atheletic build bro, wicked calves by the way dude... hard work pays off..
  9. Trammelly

    Thoughts On Next Months Cycle

    3 of my cycles consisted of test and deca, and the last cycle i completed i used test/deca/eq + clen 1st cycle i used 400mg/wk test - 300mg/wk deca for 8 weeks 2nd cycle i used the same except for 6 weeks 3rd cycle i used 500mg/wk test - 400mg/wk deca for 6 weeks 4th cycle i used 500mg/wk test...
  10. Trammelly

    Thoughts On Next Months Cycle

    ok what would you suggest i run with what i listed above, and also what dosages and how many weeks. thanks Trammelly
  11. Trammelly

    Thoughts On Next Months Cycle

    I will be starting my next cycle next month. In stock I have: Masteron, Equipoise, Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan, Test Enanthate, Proviron, + I have Nolvadex/Clomid for PCT. Anyways I have read from a few people that Masteron increased their sex drive. And I was wondering if it would be wise to...
  12. Trammelly

    Advise for cycle

  13. Trammelly

    ?'s about Masteron

  14. Trammelly

    New Nordic Virormone

    UH OH!!!!!!!! start the countdown......
  15. Trammelly

    ?'s about Masteron
