Recent content by trtgiant

  1. T

    hello guys I am experiencing something really terrible, any input?

    Ok, I am going to respond to you as nice as I can, please forgive me, as I am trying my best. Testosterone is NEVER to be refridgerated, ever. at the very least you have separated out the test and it is forming crystals. Eventually you will be able to see the crystals in a few days. What...
  2. T

    Sleep apnea and TEstosterone.

    Sleep apnea has a lot of causes and a lot of health symptoms. If you have sleep apnea, losing weight may make it less severe, but treating it won't really bring your test levels up. As you get older, it will naturaly get worse, no way around this. Going on testosterone will lead to likely...
  3. T

    Type 1

    Most type 1 diabetics have enough trouble balancing out the sugars, so to add a lot of steroids would be really crazy and add a complexity to something already hard to manage. If this is for real, and you actually do have type 1, where your body doesn't produce insulin because your body...
  4. T

    Anyone have any of these symptoms before treatment?

    Dealing with social groups my symptoms really showed up. I also would have hot flashes, which would feel like I was really angry about something, my face and neck would turn bright red. The low grade depression was also there. It sounds like you have more complex stuff than just low...
  5. T

    Newbie testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) questions?

    This is all a balancing issue, and 250mg with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will get your test levels in the above normal range. You are are still doing a cycle, although a bit more subdued than a normal cycle, you will essentially have all the same issues that you would have in a long...
  6. T

    Pinnacle Labs feedback thread

    I know I should have developed other sources, but from the first time I ordered from the uncle, I really didn't see a point. Granted, the last z-test cyp was underdosed, nothing crazy, but still it messed with my ability to calculate how much I need. Pinnacle 250 cyp, was ordered and in my...
  7. T

    Androgel 1.0 and Retarded friend

    I just bet he will blame all of his failures and why his dick isn't hard on the coming off the androgel. I can hear they whining now, and then he will swear off andything so hard.
  8. T

    Does anyone take HGH with there hrt?

    I am starting to think about doing a run of HGH for my therapy myself. I am on just testosterone and anti-e, and my libido is in the shitter. HCG increases my gout attacks, so I have stayed away from it for about a year now. I can also now afford a six month run, which would be about right.
  9. T

    Type-1 diabetic attempting first cycle...Yay or Nay?

    First off, the whole endo/ecto classification is complete bullshit, it was invented in the 1920's It does not predict how your body will perform. Is test effective? yes. It is the main driver for almost any anabolic steroid use. The danger is much more real for complications if you start...
  10. T

    Type-1 diabetic attempting first cycle...Yay or Nay?

    First off, you are attempting to add hormones to a very already complicated and hard to control thing, namely, your diabetes. Second, there is so much you can do with your training, while you are taking insulin that can help add muscle. This is probably the most important advice, because...
  11. T

    Ignoring the negative effects of alcohol.

    I am not an alcoholic, and ever since I started using a cpap 7 years ago, I pretty much stopped binge drinking. That being said, I have had to give up booze completely for health reasons, mainly I have gout issues related to my diabetes. It is fucking hard to give up that social connection...
  12. T

    Blood Results - High glucose?

    First off my friend, you do not have diabetes, and pre-diabetes? that is questionable also, as being one number off a fairly soft diagnosis factor. If you were getting 115, 120, maybe that would be considered pre-d. Now here is the kicker, doctors won't prescribe you anything until you start...
  13. T

    HGH therapy

    Hey guys, I am wondering about HGH and using it at theraputic levels. I am 37, on test cyp, arimedex, and insulin for type 2 diabetes. I just wanted to see what anyone's experience was doing HGH. I am unable to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), as it causes gout flare ups...stupid...
  14. T

    Need Help!!!!! Steroid Abuse has caught up to me!

    I am dealing with arthritis, the normal kind, and gout related arthritis, which also ties into my diabetes. If I were you, I would get a blood glucose monitor and see where your blood sugar levels are during the day, a lot of test makes me need more insulin. I am type 2, and both my parents...
  15. T

    High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure: I have it due to a few extra pounds, and I am type 2 diabetic. over 160 is not good, this is the threshold that medications start being needed. First off, have you donated blood recently? high hemocrit, will cause high blood pressure. You will need to borrow a high blood...