Recent content by VirginMuscle

  1. VirginMuscle

    1500-2k diet on tren and gaining muscle and losing fat?

    I haven't heard of anyone losing muscle on tren even in a severe calorie deficit. Strength yes.
  2. VirginMuscle

    abscess question

    It's inflamed. The important thing is that the pain has lessened.
  3. VirginMuscle

    Sleep Apnea and why we need to care

    I guess you don't have the full face mask? I did a sleep study a long time ago and he said it wasn't sleep apnea causing me not to enter REM sleep but he had no idea what it was. I ran out of patience and stopped going for more tests.
  4. VirginMuscle

    Start Prami right away or wait until sides on tren ace?

    When you are having sex and can't finish you'll know. This is why I'll always use prami with tren; 2 hours and multiple orgasms for her into a sexathon with me suffering abdominal clen cramps and suddenly sex becomes work with nothing to show for it.
  5. VirginMuscle

    Sleep Apnea and why we need to care

    I've read that CPAPs can alter the shape of your face by the way the jaw is shifted at night for prolonged periods.
  6. VirginMuscle

    Steroids are NOT birth control for guys

    Less motile but all it takes is one to make it to the egg.
  7. VirginMuscle

    bitch tits or fat??

    That is most likely just fat but you're going to have to diet down to a reasonable bf to tell. You gained 42 lbs which is the bigger problem. You should take a look at the diet forum. Also, you posted a pic of your double chin for some reason and I can't figure out why.
  8. VirginMuscle

    AAS and its effect on Facial Aesthetics

    You're stuck with that mug so surround it with the best body you can make.
  9. VirginMuscle

    New Pics ( jan 20th)

    I watched the video and thought it was a link to standing calf raises. Seriously man work on your depth and don't worry about the weight dropping. You'll see significant progress if you just take the time to fix your form. I understand you're on the defensive because of the group mentality...
  10. VirginMuscle

    what to take for blood pressure support while on cycle?

    I have a family history of high BP too and that's all I've ever had to to do.
  11. VirginMuscle

    what to take for blood pressure support while on cycle?

    Limit sodium intake, keep up with cardio, drink at least a gallon of water/day, use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), eat fresh fish.
  12. VirginMuscle

    I want to go pro!

    Stats? weight, height, age, bf, training experience, cycle history? Not many on this forum support blast and cruise for guys that don't need TRT.
  13. VirginMuscle

    Blood Work back for 21 year old. Did I recover?

    It's hard to tell without bloods prior but just looking at your low end FSH and high estradiol I would say wait a few weeks.
  14. VirginMuscle

    Blood Work back for 21 year old. Did I recover?

    What's your current bf and blood pressure? Your estradiol could be elevated from carrying more fat.