Recent content by Voorhees

  1. V

    Help, Some Advice Would Be Nice :)

    thanks one eight nine...Im living with my Uncle right now and he use to compete and he gave me the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that he had so i didnt have to pay for mine....ur advice is exactly what he told me.....but then i got on the internet and read all this other shit that confused...
  2. V

    Help, Some Advice Would Be Nice :)

    well thanks man......i actually did think about post cycle therapy (pct) before thats whyu i have everything....i was just wondering after sustanon what week....i heard week 3....anyways i was just looking for what someone else did from expierence.....this is my firsat cycle with sust ....and...
  3. V

    Help, Some Advice Would Be Nice :)

    WELL I HAD SOME TEST E LEFT...from last time yeah....but i have been just on the sauce for the last 10 weeks....just added Winstrol (winny), and clen....but im off all test now for ten days
  4. V

    Help, Some Advice Would Be Nice :)

    ok i have been on a 18 week sustanon cycle.....mixed with test e for the first 8 weeks and winstrol i will be running for five weeks after/ along with clen 1-8 250mg test e / 250 mg sust 8-14 500 mg sust 14-16 375 mg sust 16-18 250 mg sust/ 50 mg winstrol (eod) 100-120 mg clen i took my last...
  5. V

    need some advice

    ok i have been on a 18 week sustanon cycle.....mixed with test e for the first 8 weeks and winstrol i will be running for five weeks after/ along with clen 1-8 250mg test e / 250 mg sust 8-14 500 mg sust 14-16 375 mg sust 16-18 250 mg sust/ 50 mg winstrol (eod)...
  6. V

    Post cycle therapy (pct) first cycle over

    pct first cycle over ok i started my first cycle about 14 weeks ago....i was injecting 500 mg of test enanthate 2 times a week .....i havent taken a shot in exaactly 2 weeks i know i should be taking nolvadex but how much? and is there anything else u guys would recomend for my first post cycle...
  7. V

    will i fail a drug test

    ok I have a question. I am on probation and have to take a drug test every ninety days. I have been taking two shots of testostorone enanthate 250 mg a week. Will this show up in my system? Anyone have expirence on this subject? My next drug test will be on the 15th of november. I have never...
  8. V

    how much should i take?

    my diet is I am 6'1 190lbs 21 years old first cycle 500 mg test enanthate a week 8:00 am 6 boiled eggs with pasta or rice 11:00 am 2 chicken breasts with two baked potatoes 1;30 PM 60 GRAM PROTEIN SHAKE 4:00 TWO HAMBURGER PATTIES OFF OF the geoerge foreman grill with rice or veges 6:00 60...
  9. V

    how much should i take?

    my diet is
  10. V

    how much should i take?

    i am taking i shot of 250 mg twice a week. testosterone enanthate 6'1 190 ibs 21 years old should i take more? less? i also have a bottle of winstrol 100 mg per ml 20 ml i want to take it but i think i should wait intill im done with this test and after my off cycle through it...
  11. V

    how much should i take?

    hey thanx man
  12. V

    how much should i take?

    i have been taking test enanthate for two and a half weeks now. and i have some winstrol i got feed back from you guys that i should not take the winstrol and that i was not taking enough test. I am taking 1 cc 250 mg per week. If that is not enough how much should i be taking? I also have been...
  13. V

    1st Cycle

    I'm 21 190lbs 6'1'' I've been working out for 5 years, this last year I've actually hit it hard Biceps 14'' Chest 39" Shoulders 44'' Waist: 34" Thighs 34" I am taking testostrone enanthate 250mg/ml 10 ml I am coming up on my third week and have been taking 1 cc per week. The first week i...