Help, Some Advice Would Be Nice :)


New member
ok i have been on a 18 week sustanon cycle.....mixed with test e for the first 8 weeks and winstrol i will be running for five weeks after/ along with clen

1-8 250mg test e / 250 mg sust
8-14 500 mg sust
14-16 375 mg sust
16-18 250 mg sust/ 50 mg winstrol (eod) 100-120 mg clen

i took my last shot of sust 10 days ago.....I clomid/ nolvadex/ hcg............i heard to start running all of it on the third week.....and after the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to continue with the nolvadex for 2 weeks after.....I am going to be running winstrol 50 mg a day at the third week and continue to do so for 2 weeks after all post cycle therapy (pct) along with clen 1 week on 1 week off.......(trying to cut up a little more)

My question much nolva , clomid? when? is it ok to just take nolva.....the whole time if i have the (provorion) a good option because i have access to that..........I have enough clomid to take 50 mg everyday for about 10 days.......but i have enough nolvadex for about a whole month at 20 mg a day./........any advice will help........thanks

Sust and Test E are both testosterones dude. Are you just running what you got left from a previous cycle or what?
WELL I HAD SOME TEST E LEFT...from last time yeah....but i have been just on the sauce for the last 10 weeks....just added Winstrol (winny), and clen....but im off all test now for ten days
My question much nolva , clomid? when? is it ok to just take nolva.....the whole time if i have the (provorion) a good option because i have access to that..........I have enough clomid to take 50 mg everyday for about 10 days.......but i have enough nolvadex for about a whole month at 20 mg a day./........any advice will help........thanks-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boy is it just me or looking back now do you think ALL these questions should have been asked and answered about 18 to 20 weeks ago? Bro for your safty you need to get your shit together and know what the hell your doing. No offence I'm not trying to be an ass but really it's for your own good and safty. How much clomid? fuck bro come on now....You do know your post cycle therapy (pct) is pretty much the most important part of the cycle...Other wise It's all for nothing. All that money time effort and eney harm to your body. Winstrol (winny) aint exactly good for you. And fucking with your hole male sex natt test and what ever the hell else any one can think of. All for nothing with out your pct.....
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well thanks man......i actually did think about post cycle therapy (pct) before thats whyu i have everything....i was just wondering after sustanon what week....i heard week 3....anyways i was just looking for what someone else did from expierence.....this is my firsat cycle with sust ....and yeah i have more Winstrol (winny) on the weight and i will be doing 50 mg just low right nowe so eod is what i have to do.,......
thanks one eight nine...Im living with my Uncle right now and he use to compete and he gave me the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that he had so i didnt have to pay for mine....ur advice is exactly what he told me.....but then i got on the internet and read all this other shit that confused the hell out of me! Im basically running the Winstrol (winny) till the end because i dont want to come off everything at once......plan on staying off awhile and just cutting up.....thanks
Well atleast you got what you need so good for that..hcg good stuff I don't think i'll ever do a cycle small or large with out it..Also I perfer to take it through out cycle at 250iu E3 or 4D...