Recent content by Yung Wun

  1. Yung Wun

    Legs Day and overstaining.

    like aboot mention work on the sequence of your breathing. if it persist even while not working out you should see your physician.
  2. Yung Wun

    Cutler makes me Laugh

    lol cant blame the guy its pasta
  3. Yung Wun

    overall chest mass

    throw some dips in there
  4. Yung Wun

    Pull ups anyone?

    damn some of you guys getting 30,40's,50 never did so much in my life i'll only get 11-12 tops using wide ass grip
  5. Yung Wun


    thats strange you might wanna check your source
  6. Yung Wun

    Parmesan Fish Fillets

    sounds good SC
  7. Yung Wun

    anyone ever tried this low carb pasta?

    sounds good but i'm one to stay away from soy products
  8. Yung Wun

    Isolate Protein

    i believe it absorbs a little better and less gas
  9. Yung Wun

    clen question...

    the first day is the worst for me the second day forget about it i can take it before i go to sleep no problem
  10. Yung Wun

    Fat Burning Zone...

    i'd have to stick with the low intensity long duration route this is something that has always worked for me
  11. Yung Wun

    Solid Cycles for Different Goals!

    beast your tipping the scales at 301 damn, but you dont need to drop a cycle yet your doing fine. if you dont know what clomid is then i think you better get reading on AS and its effects before you even think bout runnin a cycle
  12. Yung Wun

    Good Tricep mass building excersises?

    i love the pressdowns for building size
  13. Yung Wun

    pre exhaust training

    i throw it in my workouts ocassionally when i really wanna hit a certain area