Recent content by Z28mac

  1. Z

    Natural Weight Loss Journey So Far

    for the most part yea. now im not sayen to go shoot up 2000 mg/week of test cause yea ur gonna fuck yourself up bad but u take 300-500 mg/week and have a good post cycle therapy (pct) lined up to help your body bounce back, thats way better in my opinion the HGH. just my opinion though if your...
  2. Z

    Natural Weight Loss Journey So Far

    hey bro good job but i wouldnt use HGH until your over 50 because it can mess up ur natural HGH production so just get on the juice until then
  3. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    well i haven't posted in a long ass time but i figure that i might as well give an update so far i am down about 20 lbs got my 4 pack showing pritty good and my streangth is up as high as it has ever been i have 1 more day left of the epi and then onto nolva i'll post again when i have something...
  4. Z

    Superdrol ?

    epi is giving me great gains right now i am putting on solid muscle with a ver low cal diet and am looseing alot of BF but my strength is still going up everyday and have had no sides but superdrol gives alot better strength gains IMO
  5. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    well i can deffinantly tell that i am alot stronger then when i started all my lifts are up by a considerable amount so i am very pleased with that, i am not getting that feeling of being huge muscle wise like i usually do withPH's but the last cycle i did was superdrol so i deffinantly can't...
  6. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    hey sorry you guys i haven't been on here in a while just been getting caught up with alot of other shit but hopefully i'm all done for now. as far as my blood preasure goes no i have not been checking it while running these two compounds. i know that it would be a good idea to but like i said i...
  7. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    well today was an ok workout idk how people can work out in the morning though i figured i would get up and do my workout before i went to work and now i am just completly done for the day. on the bright side though i am looking fuller and feel a lot stronger now, i keep on getting that urge to...
  8. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    had a really good workout today. all of my lifts are starting to go up and i can really start to see a change in my body so that is all good. the epi really dosent hit you like some other PH's like superdrol but the sides are alot more mild then something like superdrol but i have also not had...
  9. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    do you start the benadryl from day one because you build a tolerance quick too, or just because it's what you have always done. i think i will give that a try when i start it up again and how much of the benadryl do you take. i saw someone say that they take two at night just wondering if anyone...
  10. Z

    Need help please

    if i were you i would switch up your routine. once your bodie get's to used to the same thing it compensates to what you are doing. just my 2 cents though
  11. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    yea everyone is different i guess and i just got the short end of the stick with the clen, but i did not end up trying out the benadryl, kind of got too busy to go pick it up so i am just going to take some time off n start up again later. i din't get a chance to work out this weekend iether...
  12. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    epi is starting to fully kick in i think haven good workouts and am starting to show alot more deffinition in my upper body i think i will be kicking up my dose to 40mg this weekend though so we will see how that goes. one of the things i am worried about though is that my clen is iether fake or...
  13. Z

    I Love Steroidology!

    yea this is a great site helps to keep my motivation up
  14. Z

    epi/GWP clen cycle

    well had a good day in the gym today i can deffinantly tell that i am getting stronger despite my cutting of kals so thats good. haven a hard time getting over soreness though usually while on PH's i recover very fast but that should hopfully improve when i start the higher dosage
  15. Z


    yea i have run SD before for the normal prescriber 3 week cycle everyone says to do and had no issues with gyno ever. but everyone is different but if you have everything on hand to handle the gyno then just take it and if problems come up then just take the meds and you will be fine