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  • I know test c or e for sure. Plus looking to add something, I'm wanting to run a cycle to gain around 20lbs and try and keep at least 15 when over. I'm in the states, but i don't care if it comes from as long as i get working gear
    Hey man, I've read a lot of your posts.
    Not sure if you can help me. But I tried one of the sponsors (uncle z) and the test c was shit, did nothing what so ever. I'm having issues with finding real gear. hope you can help
    thats one hell of a big gun,but what kind of beer is that on your hand?
    Nope, not on cycle, never done one yet haha....I'm only 19...lol, still reading and learning and been doing so for almost 8 months now....I've only been in the gym for 3.5 yrs
    Hey man, that sloth looking guy as your avi is creepy as hell...What week are you on in your cycle? How is it going so far?
    I got a post you might be able to help me out with, its advice on my next cycle in april, Can you look it up and tell me what u think thankx bro
    Hey man, just wante to say again I cant thankk you enough for that layout on Sust. It is finally sinking in and making perfect sence. I clearly need to become an expert so to speak on AAS's, how they work and what they are designed to do in order to tailor make some killer cycles. Today makes week 1 complete and I can't believe this shit. I cant wait to see what half cycle results look like. It seems that you get a lot less bloat and may even more quality muscle then what I am used to on straight Test C. This is only my 3rd cycle, which started last year about this same time, but due to lack of knowledge I would up with very little keepable/quality mass. But its still better than a natural approach especially at my age of 48. So I need a book/manual or source of knowlege to study from.....any recommendations?
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