1 test cypionate (dihydroboldenone)


I am banned!
this is going to be an unnofficial log of my 1 teest cyp cycle. There was a mistake with my shipping and due to my impatience i extended the total length of my cycle and started the test e (biomex) and the npp (geneza) already. I am on day 23 approximately and have finished the npp, the test is working pretty decent at 200mg/week (yes i get results at that low of a dose i am very prone to gyno)

ANYWAY, the purpose of this thread is to educate others on the sides and effects of 1 test cyp, since i couldnt find much on it.

Thus far i am expecting a non aromatising injectable that is stronger than primo, and not as harsh as tren, which is why i bought it. Today is my first inject, i am going to pin .5 ml today as i have heard the post injection pain is very intense.
Based on how the injection site feels i plan on doing 1ml every 4 days for the remainder of my cycle. If the pain is too intense i may choose to do more frequent injections of half concentration, (.5ml)

I will also get bloodwork done at some point. Since it is non aromatising i expect it will be harsh on lipids but somehwat mild on blood pressure.
I ran GP Test 1 Cyp and it was great and completely painless

did the first pin today, seems more painful than npp or test e from what i can tell. I waited a day because there was an issue with the isn # but it has been cleared up.

my experience with aas to compare 1test to other compounds has included anavar, tbol, epistane, superdrol, test, npp.

I will pin .5ml again tomorow and based on how sore my right butt cheek is from today i will decide whether to do a full ml twice a week, or half a ml 4 times a week.
yeah so maybe it was all in my head... no post injection pain today so i did the other .5cc in my other glute... i will be moving up to a full cc for the next one instead of splitting it...

not sure where i heard that this was really painful stuff but i guess it was a different preparation
i did the second pin today, technically the third cuz i split the first in two.

Side effects i can notice so far are aggression (both a positive effect when in the gym, and a negative side effect when not in the gym) and oily skin.
The aggression ive been having is more intense than test, npp, epistane or anavar.
Not as intense as superdrol, that stuff really threw me through a mental loop.

Muscles are feeling much fuller and i attribute this to the 1 test because i seem to notice a slight antiestrogen effect as i am needing less aromatase inhibition.

Only wierd thing i have noticed is the gear hurts while injecting, and theres a stinging for a few hours afterward, but no soreness at all the next day.

Thus far the way it feels would come closest to 100mg/day of anavar, of all the stuff ive done

Tomorow should be my first workout since i have been able to feel anything from this stuff
Hows the cycle going? I am one out of many I'm sure That are interested in the 1-test compound. Sub'd!
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cycle is going very well. androgenic sides are a bit annoying, but the stuff is stronger than i expected. I am growing back hair and am so irritable, but hell atleast it works well.:beertoast

It seems like it has several mental sides in common with tren such as insomnia and irritability, of course i havent tried tren though so take that with a grain of salt. The size gains seem to be more at 375mg/week of 1 test (along with test e) than they were with 300mg npp/week (along with test e).

I think you could gain enough off this stuff to use it in a bulker, but it doesnt bloat you so u could also cut with it.

The only really seriously irritating thing is the post injection pain, which is at its peak 3 or 4 days after injecting. It actually leaves a small tense knot in the muscle that u can feel with your hand and i almost went to the hospital thinking i had an infection. Luckily someone i served with at my restaurant has since starrted his medical residency and he helped me out by taking a look at it and said its just an intense inflammation reaction, I am assuming to the 1 test and not to the particular brew as geneza is not known for this.

I would place 1 test in a cycle in place of eq, high dose anavar, high dose primo, or nandrolone.
Are you noticing any fat burning effects from the 1-test? How long is your cycle going to be? Are u trying to cut or bulk?
cycle of the 1 test will be .7 ml shot every 4 days so almost 2 months is how long it will last me. i prefer not to go biweekly because it ends up not having steady enough blood levels. The 1 test is part of another cycle, which will be either 12 or 14 weeks, depending on how im feeling at the end.

Honestly i would probably say the post injection pain of this substance mkes it something i do not want to try again.

Does it work well? yes
Does it have fat burning effects? not that i can notice.
do i wish i ordered masteron or winstrol instead because of the pain of the injections?

One tip i do have is that working out the muscle injected into with this substance seems to irritate the injection site and make the pain worse (significantly). My delts get much less pain than quads or glutes with 1 test, which is the opposite of everything else ive tried.