10 g's of eq

It's too bad all hormones don't behave like eq in solution. Just wish the damn stuff wasn't so hard to work with in "powder' form.
Once you get it in the vial yes, but that honey like substance is a bitch to work with compared to powders. I made the mistake of not making all of mine at once when I got it, and since it came in a baggie, like half of it leaked out when it was stored.
Stone said:
half of it leaked out when it was stored.

same happened to me even in 2 zip lock bags! i've lost about 15mg of it... plus i hate that smell that is now on the case where i keep things on!
i decided to put it in a crimped vial since i didn't have any small closing flask, but it's a bitch to take it out...
make it up all at once is what i do. plus if you get 100g at a time your % of lost raw material is a lot smaller.
I learned that lesson the hard way PB...
Well, not that hard as it still only cost me a few buck, but somehow I think of that beautiful honey as more valuable than money:).