100mg Test Cyp a week... what would E2 be at?


New member
I know that everyone's different...but what kind of E2 levels can one expect at 100mg a week of Test Cyp?

Also I know many pin twice a week, but is there a vast difference in blood levels if you pin twice a week?
there is a difference.. you dont peak as high and your levels are more balanced..

with 100mg once a week your peak will be higher..

the higher the peak the more likely you will aromatize

there are people who do 100mg once a week and dont need an ai because their e2 is wnl... and there are those who need a low dosage...

chances are you wont need an ai
! pinned twice a week and had levels in the 30's. 250 a week has me in the high 40's. I don't use an AI on either dose.
I know that everyone's different...but what kind of E2 levels can one expect at 100mg a week of Test Cyp?

Also I know many pin twice a week, but is there a vast difference in blood levels if you pin twice a week?

In part it depends on how fat you are.