12 week Test E Cycle


New member
Hey people.

Over the past while I have been reading a lot of posts/forums on this site which has increased my knowledge and thoughts into the world of ASS.

Below I have wrote the cycle that I intent to do but would appreciate some information regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and AI's (what to run, when in the cycle and how much)

A little about me - I'm a 27, 6ft 3" tall, weigh 204lbs and have a tall, slim physique. I have been rugby training and lifting weights steadily for the last 5 years so believe to have a good foundation of training behind me.

My aim is to definitely put on some weight, bulk up but not a huge amount and still stay pretty cut. I think my bf is around 11%.


Test E at 500mg a week for 12 weeks.


I plan to run Clomid and Nolvadex 2 weeks after my last injection
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Question - do I take 50 clomid and 40 Nolvadex everyday for 4 weeks for PCT?

Here is where I am looking for some help. I would like to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at the start of the cycle but am unsure what week to start.

I've also been reading a little on HCG, but again there are so many posts making it hard to understand when to run it and how much for how long.

Any info on the above cycle would be greatly appreciated.


For pct youll do
Clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks
Nolva 40mg ed for 2 weeks, 20mg ed for the last 2

I would start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) day 1, but some people like to wait 2-3 weeks

Hcg is a personal choice, up to you

Cycle looks good. Have your training and diet most importantly on point and youll get the results you want
Hey Metalhead, many thanks for the comment!

My training and diet should be fine. I seem to have hit a wall when it comes to bulking even when i did up my diet/carb intake to around 4500 cals. It just seems to me that I've hit a bit of a wall and can't really get passed it to see better results. I hold a regular job so obviously there are limitations of how much I can go to the gym, ASS seems like the way forward to better my physique and it's something I've been interested in for a long time.

Some people have started with Dbol early in the cycle to give it a kick start - would you advise this?

From your own experience, have you ever injected Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) into your cycle?
I wont advise it since this will be your first cycle, but its your choice. Just research all about it before deciding to do it. As youve probably read, its best to do test alone first cycle to see how your body will react to it as it will be the base of all your cycles.

i have not used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) yet, but thinking about blasting at the end of this cycle
Ok mate no problem. I'll just give the test e a go for 12 weeks and see how I get on with results.

Is there a specific type of needle I should be using to dram from the vial, then another to inject with?

Appreciate all the information youve supplied - after all that's what this site is designed for.

It proved difficult trying to get hold of the test E and it was a one of from the supplier...
would you be able to private mail me any legitimate places I can buy test, nolva and clomid from for my future cycles?

Thanks again buddy
For needles, 18-19g are good for drawing. 23g 1 1/2in for glutes and 25g 1in for thighs and delts

I cant do that man, stick around and youll find where to get it in time. YOu can yet your pct and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stuff by clicking the red lion at the top. Btw, itd be a good idea not to start your cycle unless you have EVERYTHING
Thanks for the heads up about the needles etc. I have looked on the red lion site at the top and can't really find any clomid, Nolvadex on it?

I appreciate you are not prepared give me that valuable info on where to get the ASS for next time, but I've used this site for a while now but have't really had any luck or inside knowledge. Any suggestions on how I can go about obtaining this info. Like you when you first started - I just want to be given the chance so i can obtain my own goals. The info would not be leaked to anyone else apart from my own usage.
Just my 2 cents, you can get away with injecting 18g in the glute, I've done it, its really not that bad and you wont feel a thing if you ice the spot a little bit before injecting. Also, I believe Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is ran around 500iu a week for about the last 4wks of the cycle, 10days BEFORE post cycle therapy (pct) but not INTO post cycle therapy (pct). But like Metal said, research. And then research again.