
I was always taught that our power comes from our legs. How do you feel about that? You look great though bro.

thanks for the compliment. Yes. I do believe a substantial amount of power comes from your legs. I was training muay thai. My trainer never wanted us to do weighted leg exercises as it would decrease our range of motion and speed. we did however do many body weight squats. I would do 12 sets of x25 body weight squats twice a week along with countless jumping jacks. I am now doing bodybuilding leg workouts, will keep posted.
Good start. Fill in those upper pecs and devote a seriuous amount of time to your back to widden it out. You are good n lean but need more mass in your back to balance it out.

Good start. Shows lots of hard work.
just wow dood

wut's your goal now? remain 180 and grow strong from there?

thank you. Yes. I want to grow at a steady pace. I train 2 days a week mma, 4 days a week weight training, due to work, so I really want to maintain my cardio and put on lean mass slowly.
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Good start. Fill in those upper pecs and devote a seriuous amount of time to your back to widden it out. You are good n lean but need more mass in your back to balance it out.

Good start. Shows lots of hard work.

Yes, I have started working my back with heavy weighted pull ups. I was doing 200 variation pullups a workout at this time. I will post picks. Thanks.
crazy back.

btw, have you noticed any strength depletion in your lifts with your 3x a week cardio or is it only by doing tons of cardio that would kill your strength?
crazy back.

btw, have you noticed any strength depletion in your lifts with your 3x a week cardio or is it only by doing tons of cardio that would kill your strength?

hey bro. How are you doing? No, I haven't noticed any strength depletion with my current cardio. I always get a nice whole grain carbohydrate source with protein before my workout. I also eat one after, along with a simple sugar. Those are the only times im consuming complex carbs, and the pre-workout seems to keep me energized. Also, the 20 minute cardio is trivial. It's not like I'm running or anything.
Should calm down on the traps a bit, your delts look out of proportion to them.

Other than that looking pretty good