just decided to make that the title because i figured a lot of you would click it to help out an 18 yr old or discourage me from using..
400mg/wk test c for 12 weeks
20mg dbol ed for 5wks
Nolva 40/40/20/20
armidex run throughout cycle at .5mg ed with nolva at .25 for pct.
this is what i took from a post and want to know if i would see good gains with this. i've currently gone from 215lbs to 183lbs in about 6 weeks. just from ec stack and diet. i want to gain all my muscle back but stay as cut as possible. is there anything that will cut me up more, because i still have a lot of fat. anything i could take orally by itself before running this cycle above?
400mg/wk test c for 12 weeks
20mg dbol ed for 5wks
Nolva 40/40/20/20
armidex run throughout cycle at .5mg ed with nolva at .25 for pct.
this is what i took from a post and want to know if i would see good gains with this. i've currently gone from 215lbs to 183lbs in about 6 weeks. just from ec stack and diet. i want to gain all my muscle back but stay as cut as possible. is there anything that will cut me up more, because i still have a lot of fat. anything i could take orally by itself before running this cycle above?