18y/o 6ft 3in 185lbs first cycle


New member
just decided to make that the title because i figured a lot of you would click it to help out an 18 yr old or discourage me from using..


400mg/wk test c for 12 weeks
20mg dbol ed for 5wks
Nolva 40/40/20/20
armidex run throughout cycle at .5mg ed with nolva at .25 for pct.

this is what i took from a post and want to know if i would see good gains with this. i've currently gone from 215lbs to 183lbs in about 6 weeks. just from ec stack and diet. i want to gain all my muscle back but stay as cut as possible. is there anything that will cut me up more, because i still have a lot of fat. anything i could take orally by itself before running this cycle above?
Your to young first off to use ass, you need to be atleast 23, and your 1st cycle only includes test 500mg a week
Your to young first off to use ass, you need to be atleast 23, and your 1st cycle only includes test 500mg a week

nah i think you can use ass at 18+...well maybe some states 21+ :p

But yeah mbh87 you are too young to do aas...too big of a risk...you might pay for it your entire life

Usually i would give cycle advice to anyone but i dont want to contribute to your almost certain health/emotional issues after cycling at such young age

edit: sorry mbh87 i meant to say ..."yeah cp92"...
Bro i must say something here, test cyp and dbol is gonna make you gain water weight even with arimidex you won't be gaining too lean. I'm a younger person too who has done a few cycles and if there's one thing i know for cutting you want faster acting aas. Test propionate 400-500mg per week, and winstrol tabs 25-50mgs a day keep the arimidex on hand incase nipples flare up start running it at .5 mg a day, good choice on nolva for PCT. To be completely honest as mentioned above you only need one compound for your first cycle, my first cycle was test enanthate i ran it for 3 months the first month i put a lean 20 lbs of muscle on.