18yo needs advice POWERLIFTING CYCLE. (SRS)!


New member
Hey guys, Im 18years of ages been lifting for around 1year now Ive almost finished my routine witch is ( Babylovers SS ) its a strength training routine, i was thinking once ive finished my routine i might run a cycle ?
but from what ive read online i maybe to young and don't need it cos my test levels are peaking ? but what i was thinking Arnold and all former pro bodybuilders have been jabbing since they were teens so whats the deal ? what can go wrong ?if im running post cycle therapy (pct) everything should be fine ?? Ive got a blood test done i told my doctor i want to do steroids he and said your heart rate is fine blood pressure is good,
btw will continue training strength maybe 5/3/1 or west side cool thanks
was thinking Test Enanthate - 250mg
Nordicor Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml DNO WHAT CYCLE TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as i know zero about roids.
##########BE HONEST!!!!!!! thanks alot guys ###########
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Well, u say you're a powerlifter. Tell us ur stats, squat bench and deadlift in a comp, not gym lifts. Natty, u should be able to do at least twice bodyweight squat raw, 1.5x bodyweight bench raw and 2.5times ur bodyweight deadlift.
Testosterone only for first cycle then if you decide to do another cycle throw some anadrol in there if you are wanting it for powerlifting. Strength will go through the roof!
Stats are 90bench 90kg squat ( low due to fuckd my knee had to deload ) and 172.5kg Deadlift
i haven't finished SS yet still more strength to gain naturally
What's your bodyweight? I'm 4 weeks into my dbol + test e cycle and just came off my dbol. I was running 25mgs pre workout and got some good strength increases. Before cycle was 180kg squat with knee wraps 1 rep, 95kg bench touch and go, and 205kg deadlift. Last week, I did 180kg squat for 8 reps, 100kg bench for 5 reps, 180kg deadlift for 5 reps. Bodyweight went from 73kgs to 78kgs so far.
If its a first cycle run test e with arimidex ready on hand. Make sure you have proper pct : clomid/hcg/nolva. I recommend running natural for a bit longer ull be surprised with gains you'll get. Just make sure ur keeping track of ur lifts and aiming for progression everytime. Keep ur diet in check also. Once you get more into lifting and understanding how ur body responds ull be able to make a better judgment in incorporating aas. I'm 19 been lifting since 14. Bench is 275lb. Squatting 385. Deadlifting 320. And I weigh only 186. After all those years I'm gona begin firstaas cycle with test e. Let me know what you decide ! And good luck bro. Remember hard work is key. And knowledge is the keyhole. If u got both u got ur doors open to results
Are you guys Seriously giving advice on a cycle for an 18yo with 1 year of training. Tisk Tisk When you turn 23-24 then start thinking about a cycle.

Doing it now could potentially put you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life. Don't compare yourself to Pro's/Arnold everyone is different. Where are the mods, I need backup.
what he decides to do he'll do no matter what anyonr tells him. Might as well educate and expand knowledge so he knows more about it
If you just "started" training which was a year, give it another 3-5 years man. Just as i thought i was done growing at your age i kept pushing myself and now i know my max's and if i can go past a certain weight, Do this, save your money , go buy food. Your going to want to know how to diet, you dont just put this shit into your body and your gonna be benching 2-3-4x your weight
I do not think 18 is too yound for steroids, but I do think you may be a bit new to the game to be trying them. I started taking prohormones at 18, test at 19, and a bunch of aas at 20-21. I did however start training at 12 and competing at 15. I also was also deadlifting 600lbs, squatting 550, and benching 400 at 18.... msg me and ill see what would be a good place for you to start and if you are even really ready.