19 years old breaking point going to take steroids need advice


New member
Hey guys what's up? Well ive just turned 19 years old am 5f 10 and weight 80kg 15% fb and I've been training for 3 years seriously. My workout routine usually involves training the muscle one a week. I hit legs and leg twice a day though. my diet has been pretty consistent and I've cut and bulked twice now. However Whenever I get lean in ripped but also kind flat since I don't have a lot of muscle. I have bulked slowly before and also fast and it has always just made me gain considerably more fT than muscle. I may have bad geneticsz. I do train hard and eat 6-7 clean meals a day. I'm just at the breaking point. I am seeing little to none gains in muscle however my strength is actually pretty decent. I do have a lot of protein carbs and fats. I've had personal trainers before and none has worked.

I have many friends who are huge and semi pro/ amateur body builders and I've spoken to one rarely and he has told me what I need to get bigger, he's reccomended dianabol as my first ever cycle. I've only spoken to him briefly as of now so he'll me to in depth tomorrow, however he has recommended dbol 3 pills daily I think he said g being each pill. He hasn't told me how long the cycle would be yet.

I am not naive and I do know the side effects and that's what I'm most worried about especially acne and gyno and jaundice. My goal is to gains Serious mass but also I want to be ripped, not to sound ignorant but like the ZYZZ LOOK. I read that around 20-30mg of dianabol for 8 weeks is good for a beginner however I'd like some advice on what to take so I can tell my friend. if I took 5mg a day a single pill would have cause a lot of side effects and also any muscle gains? I don't want to get too bloated as my goal is to get ripped and big. I would never do huge amounts of dosages as I'm self aware of the risks involved And if I was to get acne or gyno I would probably stop taking steroids forever loool but you don't know I might get addicted but I doubt it.

Sorry for the long messages and probably repeated but I just want to make sure I'm saying everything.

So year what would you guys reccomended me? Would 5mg a day be enough to build some noticeable muscle and also avoid some side effects?

Would dianabol be the best round to take for the first time and also would it be good to achieve my goal of building muscle and staying lean? Or would another steroid be better for this?

PS I've been told that steroids can make you build muscle And lose fat but if that ain't the case I guess il have to eat like a pig during the cycle and then cut. I'm planning only to do this for a very short time and then il probably stop. I just want to be aesthetically please and also I love the gym. Right now I'm around 15% body fat and currently I'm cutting down because my face is just really puffy.

Also do you guys need pics of what I look like?
I've been checked out by doctors recently and I'm perfectly healthy, hearth liver kidneys and everything seems to be fine. No high cholesterol also as a teen Ive never really had problems with spots also I shower everyday with exfoliates for the body and face and I apply non alcohol moisturising creams twice a day. (Aesthetic side effects is my biggest concern and yeah I know the other side effects are much worse but yeh
youre too young for steroids... your not building muscle because you do not know how to eat properly
It's pretty simple. Click the link and read. Another reason why you should wait till your older. You'll comprehend things better...
The sticky's are tough to navigate. I have trouble understanding and OP is probably confused too

It is not so much that they are tough to navigate, it is that there are so many of them AND each one is chock full of good information - some of which is a bit in depth. Read them, then post threads asking pointed questions about what you do not understand in them. You should get some pretty good answers that way, since it is obvious you are trying to learn. :)
I've been checked out by doctors recently and I'm perfectly healthy, hearth liver kidneys and everything seems to be fine. No high cholesterol also as a teen Ive never really had problems with spots also I shower everyday with exfoliates for the body and face and I apply non alcohol moisturising creams twice a day. (Aesthetic side effects is my biggest concern and yeah I know the other side effects are much worse but yeh

At your age, your natural testosterone level should be enough to make you explode in size if your diet is on point. From the results you are having, it really sounds like you have an improper diet. Not necessarily a bad one - such as what the average everyday person eats, but just one that is not optimized to make you huge. For the price of one cycle of gear, you can buy a bunch of time with 3J, who will create you an awesome diet AND teach you the how and why of the diet (if you ask about it). You will learn a skill you can keep for a lifetime, one that will maximize your gains forever. Then, when you are older and your body starts to slow down, you can add drugs to continue to grow.

Trust me, diet is the key. You may think you have a good one, but odds are you do not. Go to the diet section and post in the Free Diet Advice section for a quick critique of it by a professional.
At 19, you are vastly overrating your training routine and diet if you think you have reached a level where steroids are needed to improve. Steroid use is an educated decision that is to be made after a lot of research and soul searching, not a decision to be made because you are struggling at 15% body fat as a 19 year old.
I agree your natural testosterone levels are higher that what they would be on a cycle. You need to learn how to eat to grow. Spend your money on food and a good diet program. Even on steroids if you can't eat to grow you aren't going to gain. At you age I looked like a bean poll. At my age I wish I was a bean poll again.
Trust these guys man. They really do know what they're on about.

There's a guy at my gym who is 18 and on gear. To be honest, he probably could have made the same gains naturally. I was bigger at his age just from training hard and eating a lot. I didn't know a thing about proper nutrition, but I still grew. Why? Because at 18 your natural test levels will be like a cycle. He probably did a whole lot of damage to his body by taking gear for the last year or so without proper knowledge on nutrition or how steroids affect certain organs.

You have to do a lot of research and be patient bro. It's not just about taking steroids and getting big. You are fucking with your hormones. Do you know what happens to your prostate, heart, liver or kidneys when you take gear? Do you really want to risk a heart attack or stroke at 19? I'm not trying to scare you bro, these things can happen if you don't know what you're doing.

You can grow a lot more by investing your money into a diet set up by a professional and maybe getting some training advice from a veteran in the game.

Also I should add, if your "friend" recommended dianabol as a first cycle of "three pills" a day, he doesn't know what he's on about. He is probably one of those guys who just puts shit into his body and hopes for the best. "Young, dumb and full of cum". Don't be reckless. Don't listen to him again. I can't stress it enough that you have to wait another couple of years, just get your diet and training straight.
Hmm jheeez now I'm scared Lool. I think I am overrating my diet. Some days I don't have as much protein as I should. Where can I go to get advice about my diet and nutrition? also my lately my workout routine has been all over the place. I'd get a personal trainer or something but jheezz I live in London and these trainers in my gym charge like 30-40 British pounds for just one session. And they probably juice too LOOOL. There's this one guy who looks like a bull And it freaking huge And he's got spots LOOOL, you can't say that's natural haha he's like 6ft 7 as well

However I've been training for like 3 years and I've made no where near the gains some people have made lool probably because of nutrition and probably workout routine. But it just really annoys me I feel like I'm wasting my time at the gym and wasting money on shakes and membership, but I try to keep on a positive mind set most of the time but the doubt just creeps in.

Thank you for replying guys btw.
Hmm jheeez now I'm scared Lool. I think I am overrating my diet. Some days I don't have as much protein as I should. Where can I go to get advice about my diet and nutrition? also my lately my workout routine has been all over the place. I'd get a personal trainer or something but jheezz I live in London and these trainers in my gym charge like 30-40 British pounds for just one session. And they probably juice too LOOOL. There's this one guy who looks like a bull And it freaking huge And he's got spots LOOOL, you can't say that's natural haha he's like 6ft 7 as well

However I've been training for like 3 years and I've made no where near the gains some people have made lool probably because of nutrition and probably workout routine. But it just really annoys me I feel like I'm wasting my time at the gym and wasting money on shakes and membership, but I try to keep on a positive mind set most of the time but the doubt just creeps in.

Thank you for replying guys btw.

i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. read post 1.. then follow directions
Ah you know what guys I've decided I ain't gonna take anything for. Long time now, I'm conscious of all the things that could go wrong and am also really young. I'm going to start Reading on on diet thank you 3j il read up your diet, could you send me a private message and tell how much it would cost to have a diet tailored for me and for my goals. Right now I'm cutting down lool.

I have an uncle who I train with He's 43 and wants to start doing injectables, he's pretty much the same mass and me but he's 5f8 and has a bigger bf but has decent muscle. Should I make a new post for him? Or can you guys give me some links for that. He just wants to do only one cycle and that's it. he just wants something to help him out a bit.

Also how much more lean muscle do you guys think I could probably put on? If I trained hard and got a good diet and followed it religiously?
Also how much more lean muscle do you guys think I could probably put on? If I trained hard and got a good diet and followed it religiously?

We have no idea really, but many pounds. Your haven't come close o your natural potential. Like most of us we want it now. This is a marathon not a sprint.

You body is still naturally growing. Most anything you put on by doing steroids at this young age will not be solid LMM. AS was told you have a chance of ruining your endocrine system for LIFE doing aas at 19. You need to finish growing naturally. Need to wait until you are 25.

Sorry but you are not training properly or eating correctly for BB. Please lay out you whole rutine for us/ these guys and let them help. Then get with a 3j for diet or someone who knows (been educated) on nutrition.

Stick around , read the stickys train today for what you can do today. Listen on here, slow down find out what to read and pace yourself. WE all (your friends, people) have different genetics and grow at different paces. Stop looking at them, look at yourself for progress. Progress is what you want and all you can do.

Do this correctly and you will be happy and will see results and will not be on a roller coaster. Good luck don't go away....
We have no idea really, but many pounds. Your haven't come close o your natural potential. Like most of us we want it now. This is a marathon not a sprint.

You body is still naturally growing. Most anything you put on by doing steroids at this young age will not be solid LMM. AS was told you have a chance of ruining your endocrine system for LIFE doing aas at 19. You need to finish growing naturally. Need to wait until you are 25.

Sorry but you are not training properly or eating correctly for BB. Please lay out you whole rutine for us/ these guys and let them help. Then get with a 3j for diet or someone who knows (been educated) on nutrition.

Stick around , read the stickys train today for what you can do today. Listen on here, slow down find out what to read and pace yourself. WE all (your friends, people) have different genetics and grow at different paces. Stop looking at them, look at yourself for progress. Progress is what you want and all you can do.

Do this correctly and you will be happy and will see results and will not be on a roller coaster. Good luck don't go away....

Haha definitely bro you're so right. I'm sure il put on a lot of lean mass haha I'm so pumped now, I will not do any drugs for a long time brother. I'm going to read all I can here and get more education on diet and workout.

Haha I'm 19 so Obvipusly I wish I could get like 30kilos of steak and stuff in in my muscles in one day but obviously that's impossible haha. I love going to the gym and workout out and everything it entails haha and also I love showing off to the girls hahaha.
I'm going to concentrate on just myself, I just hope that I can get bigger haha. I mean South Americans don't have the greatest genetics right? we have short frames and small bone structures but that won't stop me to look decent at least.
If you got checked so thoroughly by your doctor, do you know your testosterone levels? At your height and weight, you aren't eating enough or lifting hard enough. Unless your testosterone is below 500 ng/dl, then that could be part of the problem. Get your testosterone checked, thyroid too. Most likely you are just suffering from undertraining and undereating. Two very common problems.