1mg of adex only a day...........


bro im like 3% bf i swear
Ive been doing this for a little over 3 weeks. It hs me feeling like im on cycle! I need to go get some bloods and see what my T is at..
IS this pharma grade adex ? ... thats shit is goign to smash ur estrogen .

Not if his negative feedback loop is open. It's an alternate form of TRT commonly used. Think of it as a SERM that is ONLY usable when not on ANY suppressive hormones.
Obviously these guys have no idea about ai monotherapy or feedback loop. Yes mega you nailed it. I need bloods. Its gonna be tough since i live in MA. Gota find time to drive up to NH
Thanks for the link.

In my defense. None of the headers in there say Feedback Loop.

Or you could have tried old Google. :-)

It won't raise your test levels.

it will slightly, because there is a little less converting to estro leaving you with a little more test IMO. this is a very bad idea IMO... and very strange to me... : /
why are you doing this?

and 1mg ed on NO gear is sure to crash you over time op.. it can take weeks but that is a big dose IMO, bigger than i even rec when ON a bunch of aas..
where did you get this idea from?
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I have a friend who is hypogonadal. He went off TRT to have kids and did Arimidex-Monotherapy. It put his TT in the 500ng/dl range if memory serves. He was below 200 Natty.

I don't know how much bang you get for your buck when you already have healthy Natty TT.