*** 1st Cycle from A to Z ... Please critique ***


New member
finally after many many months of research, reading, and almost losing my vision staring at my screen, i am ready for my 1st cycle.

Let me know what you think

Few pictures before starting the cycle at the end of the post.


  • 31 yrs Old, 186 lbs, 5'7, roughly 14% BF
  • No prior AAS, nor PH.. 1st cycle EVER!
  • Lifting since i was a teenager.
  • Gear: Test E 500 for 12 weeks (with proper PCT of course)
  • Goal : Clean Mass.. 1.5 to 2 pounds a week, if doable.
  • Body Type: Endomorph .., I put on weight easily...especially Fat, damn it.
  • Supplements: Fish Oil, Multi, BCAA, Creatine Daily.

Cycle: weeks 1-12

Test E 500mg (twice a week @ 250mg) ... weeks 1-12
Aromasin 12.5mg ED ... whole cycle + PCT (double dosage during PCT)
HCG @ 500iu twice a week (the day before my injection)
Update: HCG will be @ 250iu twice a week

After Last Injection: weeks 13-14

HCG @ 2500iu every other day.
Update: HCG will be 500iu Everyday for 14 days.
Aromasin 12.5mg Every Day

PCT: weeks 15-18

Clomid : 100/100/100/50
Aromasin: 20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg

Update: Clomid will be 50/50/50/50
Nolva will be 40/40/20/20
No Aromasin

Routine Split:

Mon: Legs
Tues: Chest/Bi/Abs
Wed: 30 min Cardio
Thur: Back/Tri/Calves
Fri: OFF
Sat: Delts/Shrugs/Abs
Sun: 30 min Cardio

DIET: Maintenance Calories: Almost 2900 Cal

Meal 1:

* 8 Egg Whites
* 2 Whole Eggs
* 1 serving Veggies or Salad (Peppers, Mushrooms, Tomatoes)
* 60-80g Oats
Protein = 60g / Carbs = 70g / Fat = 9g

Meal 2:

* 7 oz lean Protein (Ground Turkey, Tilapia, Chicken, Lean Steak, Tuna)
* 70g Carbs (Long Grain Basmati Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta, Potato, or Whole Wheat Tortillas)
Portein = 53g / Carbs = 70g / Fat = 20g

Meal 3:

* 7oz Lean Meat (Tilapia)
* 1 serving Veggies
* 10-20g of Healthy Fats (Almond/Almond Butter, or Avocado, or Olive Oil)
Protein = 52g / Carbs = 7 / Fat = 20g

Meal 4:

Same as meal 2, If on the road, 2 Protein Bars (Think Thin Peanut butter crunch)
Protein = 40g / Carbs = 48g / Fat = 16g

Meal 5: Post-Workout Shake

* 2 scoops Whey Protein
* 50-100g Carbs in the form of Waxy Maize Starch and Maltodextrin
Protein = 46g / Carbs = 50g / Fat = 0

Meal 6: About an hour after my Post-Workout Shake, a solid meal of:

* 7 oz of Lean Meat (Skinless Chicken Breast)
* 70-90g of Complex Carbs (Whole Wheat Pasta, Basmati Rice, Potatoes)
* 1 serving Veggies
Protein = 59g / Carbs = 70g / Fat = 15g

Meal 7:

* 2 scoops of Casein Protein
* 10-20g of Healthy Fats (Almond Butter/Peanut Butter)
Protein = 48g / Carbs = 6g / Fat =16g

Total Protein = 360g / Total Carbs = 324g / Fat = 96g
Total Calories = 3600 Cal .... 700 Cal above Maint.



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Damn it.

Nice job on the typing of it all and if you stick to this I d say you ll see some real good results...especially the diet...

I d do less Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), more often....

Aromasine on pct...opinions vary....but..

Others will chime in....
Looks good. Most don't run the HCG through out the cycle for first cycle. Really no need unless you don't mind having slightly smaller balls. Just run blast phase at the end. But Id do it 500iu ED for 10 days after your last test injection, then run PCT 4 days after that. No need to front load the clomid. Just do 50,50,50,50. Throw the nolva in as well, 40,40,20,20. NIce job on the research though. Should be a great cycle.
thanks for the input... i will consider doing less HCG... as far as Clomid being at 100/100/100/50... i have enough of it, and been reading that you can't overdo a PCT, so won't hurt i guess... I have Nolva like i mentioned above, and that debate on whether to combine it with Clomid or not during PCT was a long ass debate all over the net. still confused myself, but i just wanted to get going as apposed to stalling there.

Why wouldn't you take supplements during your cycle and but only during pct?

I meant the Creatine just during PCT... rest of supps are everyday... i take them everyday regardless cycle or not.
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apparently my total test is pretty low at 314 and my free test at 73.3.

I remembered that you posted this in a previous thread. I'm curious to see how this cycle works out for you and also to hear what differences, if any, you experience in terms of well-being and how you feel.

I meant the Creatine just during PCT... rest of supps are everyday... i take them everyday regardless cycle or not.

I read a post at one point, I think on this board, saying that it is beneficial to use creatine while you're on cycle. It's so cheap that there's no reason not to use it during the cycle as well as through PCT.
lol looks like my post cycle therapy (pct) is gonna endup with..50/50/50/50 Clomid .... 40/40/20/20 Nolva

tried and true post cycle therapy (pct) option. TBH, next cycle try toremfine. Better on the sides and works just as good as clomid/nolva combo.
I remembered that you posted this in a previous thread. I'm curious to see how this cycle works out for you and also to hear what differences, if any, you experience in terms of well-being and how you feel.

Yes.. that was me. I am looking forward to it as well. i am thinking it's a 50/50 chance.

I either feel way better than i ever felt before because i would have more than sufficient Test in my system, OR, since i am on the the edge as far as natty Test, i won't be able to recover fully and my HPTA will be shot and possibly end up on TRT... will see i guess.
You should use creatine on cycle. 15-20g per day .your cycle will enhance creatine synthesis. More gains for you my friend :bigok:
Romeo, I've been following your posts since you've started here, and I am definitely giving you the stamp of approval for doing your homework. Taking the good advice to forget about the Beastdrol cycle and move onto straight test was the first of many of your good decisions.

As for your cycle, it sounds great to me. If you want to run the hcg during your cycle, that's fine, but it's not really "necessary". As for your PCT dosage of HCG. I think 2500 iu EOD is a little high, as you will certainly recover with as little as 500 iu daily, or 1000-1500 EOD. If you can save a little cash by buying half as much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I would, especially since you've chosen to run just test and at a moderate dose, as well as clomid combined with nolva.

You're in good hands mate. Time to get it on.

Oh, one note for creatine: 5g a day tops. There is no need for more. 5g ED will saturate you.
Romeo, I've been following your posts since you've started here, and I am definitely giving you the stamp of approval for doing your homework. Taking the good advice to forget about the Beastdrol cycle and move onto straight test was the first of many of your good decisions.

As for your cycle, it sounds great to me. If you want to run the hcg during your cycle, that's fine, but it's not really "necessary". As for your post cycle therapy (pct) dosage of HCG. I think 2500 iu EOD is a little high, as you will certainly recover with as little as 500 iu daily, or 1000-1500 EOD. If you can save a little cash by buying half as much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I would, especially since you've chosen to run just test and at a moderate dose, as well as clomid combined with nolva.

You're in good hands mate. Time to get it on.

Oh, one note for creatine: 5g a day tops. There is no need for more. 5g ED will saturate you.

essays... thanks for the support. I did go through a lot of research..... and you still remember the Beastdrol post??!!..wow, that was something.

I almost fell for it, and i really felt like shit when everyone here was telling me to forget it because i had things already setup and was a click away form ordering.

Everyone here @ Ology was more than helpful.. i have spent more time on the forum the past few months than i did with my fiance... But i guess it was worthwhile.

Your input as far as the HCG & Creatine is taken, will lower the HCG and run Creatine throughout the cycle :)