1st cycle, HGH and Anavar only


New member
Age: 19
Ht: 6'1
Wt: 170
Bd: idk but it can't be more than 9%

I will be starting an Anavar based with HGH cycle in a few weeks,
Waiting till I get my second shipment in.
Before you read and judge too much cause I know how you
Guys are about var and hgh, I'm not looking for crazy size, and I chose
Both because of the ability to keep the gains. I'm more for the healthier
Long term affect than the dangerous 12 week hulk cycle. And no offense I
Don't want to get "too" big. But here's what the cycle will look like, and remember I'm 19 so my natural hgh is higher so I plan on taking minimum.

Week 1-3
1.5 iu HGH

Week 4
2 iu HGH, 30mg var

Week 5-7
2 iu HGH, 50mg var

Week 8-10
2iu Hgh, 60mg var

Week 11
2.5iu HGH, 30mg var

Week 12-13
2.0 iu HGH, 50mg clomid Ed

Week 14-16
3.0 iu HGH

Let the criticism be wise
Yeah bro, your wasting your money. For best results hgh use is only good with long term use ! Also your to young. If you still insist on cycling then please read all the stickys and understand what your wanting to do with your body.
Yeah bro, your wasting your money. For best results hgh use is only good with long term use ! Also your to young. If you still insist on cycling then please read all the stickys and understand what your wanting to do with your body.

The HGH is just to kick start one last good growth Spert, I still get growing pains, and it's in my family to be 6'4, and even 6'5. And if I were to use too much I would grow disproportional. And anavar is the only roid made to keep children from not being able to have growth sperts is the only logical thing to put with it is anavar. And I am too young for just about everything, except for this. But what do I know.
The HGH is just to kick start one last good growth Spert, I still get growing pains, and it's in my family to be 6'4, and even 6'5. And if I were to use too much I would grow disproportional. And anavar is the only roid made to keep children from not being able to have growth sperts is the only logical thing to put with it is anavar. And I am too young for just about everything, except for this. But what do I know.
Obviously less than you think you do. HGH is a waste at your age as you're already producing TONS of the hormone and you frankly don't need it. So you think suppressing your HPTA (possibly permanently); driving your natural testosterone into the ground is wise? Eat more food man, you don't need steroids. You can EASILY reach a lean 220lbs naturally, AAS is not a magic pill to give you that "beach body" your generation so desires.

My .02c :cool: