1st Cycle Sustanon only


New member
39, used to gym a lot, not done much in 5 years (kids!) and new to ASS.

Just started my first cycle last week. I have limited access to ASS, just picked up some Sus 250 on holiday (I have 28)

250 Sustanon per week.

My plan is to do 1 amp per week for 12 weeks.

Second injection today, noticed results already with no weight increase as such but fat turning to muscle. Mixing cardio and lifting everyday and keeping cals above 4500. So far so good.

Bulking but really wanting to cut but am following the trends I have researched online.

Advise welcome
your definintly in the right place for knowledge. but I'm going to go ahead and say sustanon isn't the best choice for a first go around with AAS. #2 Sustanon (sust) is a mix of long and short acting esters being this, it makes more sense to inject every three days or to keep blood levels close to same. another thing, I didn't notice any talk of PCT.

not to insult your intelegence but just incase, PCT= post cycle treatment, the treatment to naturually restore your bodies natural production of testosterone. we'll start off there and I'll wait your reply to see all you have and what you know before I get deep lol.
umm i disagree powerstroke Sustanon (sust) would be a great first cycle. Sustanon (sust). can be used EOD,
E2D,E3D,E4D or E5D due to the diff esters. Im currently using Sustanon (sust) 250mgs EOD along with other compounds. At the absolute shortest id use Sustanon (sust) at 10 weeks, injection frequency E4D would be fine for you, being that you have a limited supply of gear. As for your post cycle therapy (pct) well you need post cycle therapy (pct) for every cycle you do, a standard post cycle therapy (pct) would look like this...

3 weeks after last shot:
Days 1 - 7 = 150mg clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 8 - 21 = 50mg Clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 22 - 28 = 20mg Nolva

their are loads of different post cycle therapy (pct) courses each should work although the key to a good post cycle therapy (pct) is trial and error and working out what works for you.
umm i disagree powerstroke Sustanon (sust) would be a great first cycle. Sustanon (sust). can be used EOD,
E2D,E3D,E4D or E5D due to the diff esters. Im currently using Sustanon (sust) 250mgs EOD along with other compounds. At the absolute shortest id use Sustanon (sust) at 10 weeks, injection frequency E4D would be fine for you, being that you have a limited supply of gear. As for your PCT well you need PCT for every cycle you do, a standard PCT would look like this...

3 weeks after last shot:
Days 1 - 7 = 150mg clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 8 - 21 = 50mg Clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 22 - 28 = 20mg Nolva

their are loads of different PCT courses each should work although the key to a good PCT is trial and error and working out what works for you.

150mg of clomid?.. I would say that's a waste but to each his own. and I'll agree to dis-agree with the Sustanon (sust) argument. as for E4D and E5D I cannot see you getting away with that and still staying with in effective and healthy limits on a Sustanon (sust) only cycle.

Just my opinion
Read this part:

their are loads of different post cycle therapy (pct) courses each should work although the key to a good post cycle therapy (pct) is trial and error and working out what works for you.

This would an example for an older individual on his first cycle. just to make sure his body recooperates correctly, then he can try more mild post cycle therapy (pct)'s as he grows more fond with AAS usage.
I started my second cycle 2 weeks ago currently takin supra t 400 and feel great my first cycle was sustaplex 325 and was pretty disapointed .also i was told i should b stacking the t400 with decka or eq if i want to see bigger gains.but im not sure which would be best
39, used to gym a lot, not done much in 5 years (kids!) and new to ASS.

Just started my first cycle last week. I have limited access to ASS, just picked up some Sus 250 on holiday (I have 28)

250 Sustanon per week.

My plan is to do 1 amp per week for 12 weeks.

Second injection today, noticed results already with no weight increase as such but fat turning to muscle. Mixing cardio and lifting everyday and keeping cals above 4500. So far so good.

Bulking but really wanting to cut but am following the trends I have researched online.

Advise welcome

not enough Sustanon (sust), dont waste your gear.