1st Cycle - Test E + Anavar (oxan)


New member
hello guys...

I'm 20 years , Ive been working out for 2,5 years...

my cycle will be:

1-10 Test E (300mg week)
1-6- Anavar (50mg ED)

I'm gonna run ARIMIDEX 1mg ED till I start my post cycle therapy (pct) (preventing gyno and water retention)

post cycle therapy (pct): 30mg Tamox ED.

What do you guys think??

mranak said:
  • Too young
  • test only
  • No need for the Arimdiex
  • PCT should be tapered.

Hello man

- why should I use Test only?? anavar is ok! Why do u think I should use just test?

- I dont need arimidex?? so, How will I prevent gyno (I dont know if Im sensible) and water retention?

Im a litle bit worried about arimidex cuz I've read something about rebound effect.
I'd personally use aromisan as there is no rebound, it also doesn't have an effect on ur colesterol levels...12mg ed aromisan has suited many but at 300mg EW of test u could probably get away without it....people normally run tamox at 40, 40, 20, 20...oh and say hello to closed growth plates....although in "theory" armoisan may keep them open....oh ur also to young and risk perminant damage to your hormone levels for life...

Observe his pain for your knowledge http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1611352&posted=1#post1611352
I cant find arosmatin in my country... It has to be tamox, arimidex or clomid...

Lucky 13 - Do you think I should't use arimidex?? maybe 10mg of tamox/ day is enought for gyno.

about the perminant damage, the guy was on ass for 9 months... too much...

Tamox is fine for preventing gyno and I wouldn't worry about boat @ 300mg/wk.

It has to do with your age, your body is still developing. That's why you shouldn't cycle.

What's your height/weight/training history/diet/goals for cycle?
1,82cm , 90kg, 2,5 years training, I have a nutricionist it's about 3.500 to 4.000kcals day, goals? get bigger!!! maybe 7 kg of clean mass

outlaw, Should I use tamox 10mg day during the cycle and clomid for PCT???

in this case , Im gonna sell the arimidex!!

I was thinking that arimidex is safer than tamox...
very good advise given, if you were to train properly and eat right you would not need Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and could gain good lean muscle on your own, it is not a short cut
Man thanks for you advise but I will do it... I've already bought all the stuff, im not a begginer...

so, I wanna advise about my cycle not abou if I should do it or not...

thanks a lot
jonny358 said:
Man thanks for you advise but I will do it... I've already bought all the stuff, im not a begginer...

so, I wanna advise about my cycle not abou if I should do it or not...

thanks a lot
if your dead set on running it then do it but i would lower the arimidex way down , you probablly wont need it at all unless your SUPER SENSITIVE to androgens . try running .5 mg eod to start and you can always asjust the dose later on . remember adex / aromasin/etc. are used to control estrogen and not prevent it .
ps i am fan of test only 1st cycles but IF i was gonna add a compound to the test it would be var so your cycle isnt half bad .welcome to ology .
Thnaks man!!!

I think im gonna take the arimidex out... Im gonna use tamox and clomid for PCT..

what do u think??