Hi bros, this is my first post on this forum ever even though I've check the boards for a long time Ok first off here's a a few infos about me:
25 years old
212 lbs
17-18% BF
Been lifting for 3 years, when I started I was 370 lbs, lost a lot eh ?
My goal is mainly cutting while keeping the muscles I've put on throughout the years while maybe adding a few pounds of lean mass. Oh and it is not totally true that this is my 1st cycle ever, I've done a winstrol only cycle before (injectable) ... Yeah, you read right LoL so pinning is no problem.
I like to keep things simple so here's the macros I was thinking of hitting:
1.5g proteins per pound of bodyweight
1g of carbs per pound of bodyweight
No fat or close to none (Except 4 caps of fish oil a day)
Of course it would all be clean food.
My trainning regimen would look like:
Everyday when I wake up 45 mins HIIT cardio + abs
Then after college:
Day 1: Chest/Bis/Forearms 15 mins HIIT
Day 2: Back/Traps 15 mins HIIT
Day 3: Legs/calves 15 mins HIIT
Day 4: Tris/Shoulders 15 mins HIIT
Day 5: Morning routine no weights
Day 6: Go back to day 1
Cycle would last 10 weeks
150MG test prop EOD
Arimidex .25 EOD when I start feeling sides, if any, I am somewhat scared about gyno.
40/20/20/20 nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after last pinning.
My other sups:
Absolute Power Mega surge X3
Hydroxycut Hardcore/Lipo6 Black
I was thinking maybe alterning right and left quad for injections as I am not a fan of butt injections, whats your thoughts on this ?
So there we have it guys, what would you think? I would love to go down to 11-12% BF before summer hits, yeah bear with me, I always been extra fat, I'd love to go around shirtless this summer. Cheer bros !
25 years old
212 lbs
17-18% BF
Been lifting for 3 years, when I started I was 370 lbs, lost a lot eh ?
My goal is mainly cutting while keeping the muscles I've put on throughout the years while maybe adding a few pounds of lean mass. Oh and it is not totally true that this is my 1st cycle ever, I've done a winstrol only cycle before (injectable) ... Yeah, you read right LoL so pinning is no problem.
I like to keep things simple so here's the macros I was thinking of hitting:
1.5g proteins per pound of bodyweight
1g of carbs per pound of bodyweight
No fat or close to none (Except 4 caps of fish oil a day)
Of course it would all be clean food.
My trainning regimen would look like:
Everyday when I wake up 45 mins HIIT cardio + abs
Then after college:
Day 1: Chest/Bis/Forearms 15 mins HIIT
Day 2: Back/Traps 15 mins HIIT
Day 3: Legs/calves 15 mins HIIT
Day 4: Tris/Shoulders 15 mins HIIT
Day 5: Morning routine no weights
Day 6: Go back to day 1
Cycle would last 10 weeks
150MG test prop EOD
Arimidex .25 EOD when I start feeling sides, if any, I am somewhat scared about gyno.
40/20/20/20 nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after last pinning.
My other sups:
Absolute Power Mega surge X3
Hydroxycut Hardcore/Lipo6 Black
I was thinking maybe alterning right and left quad for injections as I am not a fan of butt injections, whats your thoughts on this ?
So there we have it guys, what would you think? I would love to go down to 11-12% BF before summer hits, yeah bear with me, I always been extra fat, I'd love to go around shirtless this summer. Cheer bros !
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