1st cycle Test prop only. Goal:Cutting


New member
Hi bros, this is my first post on this forum ever even though I've check the boards for a long time :) Ok first off here's a a few infos about me:

25 years old
212 lbs
17-18% BF
Been lifting for 3 years, when I started I was 370 lbs, lost a lot eh ?

My goal is mainly cutting while keeping the muscles I've put on throughout the years while maybe adding a few pounds of lean mass. Oh and it is not totally true that this is my 1st cycle ever, I've done a winstrol only cycle before (injectable) ... Yeah, you read right LoL so pinning is no problem.

I like to keep things simple so here's the macros I was thinking of hitting:

1.5g proteins per pound of bodyweight
1g of carbs per pound of bodyweight
No fat or close to none (Except 4 caps of fish oil a day)
Of course it would all be clean food.

My trainning regimen would look like:

Everyday when I wake up 45 mins HIIT cardio + abs
Then after college:

Day 1: Chest/Bis/Forearms 15 mins HIIT
Day 2: Back/Traps 15 mins HIIT
Day 3: Legs/calves 15 mins HIIT
Day 4: Tris/Shoulders 15 mins HIIT
Day 5: Morning routine no weights
Day 6: Go back to day 1

Cycle would last 10 weeks
150MG test prop EOD
Arimidex .25 EOD when I start feeling sides, if any, I am somewhat scared about gyno.
40/20/20/20 nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after last pinning.

My other sups:
Absolute Power Mega surge X3
Hydroxycut Hardcore/Lipo6 Black

I was thinking maybe alterning right and left quad for injections as I am not a fan of butt injections, whats your thoughts on this ?

So there we have it guys, what would you think? I would love to go down to 11-12% BF before summer hits, yeah bear with me, I always been extra fat, I'd love to go around shirtless this summer. Cheer bros !
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If you are trying to cut fat, you need to eat fat. Salmon is one of the best choices for protein and fat, as well as walnuts for a snack. I would recommend a carb cycling diet, this is one of the best ways to preserve muscle while simultaneously burning fat. Also I would cut the cardio (HIIT, etc.) to no more than 3 times per week and ~30-45 minutes per session. Too much cardio can prevent fat loss and hinder muscle gains, as it begins to burn carbs rather than fat. If you would like some more information on a good carb cycling diet or other diets let me know.

Also try to get your hands on clomid. This is much better than nolva alone for post cycle therapy (pct), however both would be optimal. clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks and nolva 20md ED for 4 weeks. Begin post cycle therapy (pct) 3-4 days after your last injection.
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Thanks for the input, I guess I will have to lay off the stairmaster LoL. I will get my hands on some clomid, I figured I should be running it with nolva anyways. Can you please tell me how you would run the carb cycling diet?
Find your bmi matence and eat less calories only way you will loose bodyfat! And 1 gram per lean body mass not per pound. If your eating to many calories you won't cut peirod.
Find your bmi matence and eat less calories only way you will loose bodyfat! And 1 gram per lean body mass not per pound. If your eating to many calories you won't cut peirod.

BMI can be a bit misleading for a lot of people.

OP, Can you provide me with info about your diet previous to beginning this cycle? On an average day/week how many Calories, Carbs, Protein, Fat were you consuming?

You need to know how many of these macros you consume where your weight does not fluctuate up or down. This will be your baseline. From here I can try to provide more information on a proper diet for your goals.