1st cycle wasted. Stupid decision to run this cycle with almost no knowledge!!!!!!


New member
Ran my first cycle back in July of 2015. With a lack of knowledge and a stupid mentality decided to run sustanon 250 cycle with no previous blood work to know what was going on with my body. My roommate at the time talked me into it. Was pining inconsistently for 3 months on what little knowledge I had at the time of anabolics (which was basically none.) After doing my research for months now I realize how horrible this cycle was. I finally have the acne under control and am going in to do blood work soon to see where I stand. I haven't heard my source discussed on any reputable discussion forum. On a positive note I'm glad the acne is subsiding and I want to run a proper cycle within a month :)... Any feedback please is much appreciated????!!!
Well first Welcome to the board.

When you come in and want help it is easier if you give us your complete stats:
BF% if you can know or guess
How long lifting seriously
How often you work out. Is it a split routine.
You cycle history , you gave us a little
Who set this cycle up for you. Not the person but the guy that sold to you or just some person in the gym.

Now have you been reading on this forum in regard to the sticky's posted when you come in. If NOT please go back to the beginning and do some reading. Beginners first cycle, 'Ology Frequently Asked Questions . There is much to learn but we can't spoon feed you there is just too much you need to know so then you can come back here and ask what you did not understand. I think you got real bad advice , Please post that cycle you did?.....stay with us.
Thank you for the response and the welcome mike!! I'm 24, 5'9" and at 170lbs right now. I have lost some weight after my lame "cycle". Was sitting around 175. I do not know my body fat percentage as of right now. I've been lifting seriously for 4 years now but also focus on cardiovascular. I really enjoy cycling through the mountain roads we have out here. I had only that one cycle and am really disappointed with it. I know now that first cycles can be amazing and I feel like I definitely did not take full advantage. My old roommate set up this cycle for me as he did the same one. Although I know now to make sure I have all gear and pct in place before starting, I did not do that this last time around. My main concerns now are of course my natural hormone levels, and also that I didn't take complete advantage of the great first cycle gains that are possible. I know now that I should have done pee blood work as well as post cycle blood work and mid cycle. I have read through a lot of helpful stickies and "newbie" forum posts to gain better knowledge of all this. Thanks again for any helpful information this really is a great site for knowledge!!
Don't beat yourself up buddy...

I'd say 99% of forum goers have made mistakes that they're not proud of over the years...

The good thing is that you KNOW you fucked up - and have come here to put things right.

There is no need to go crazy with a (proper) first cycle (let's just pretend that last one didn't happen)...

Stick with a single estered Test (cypionate or enanthate) to make managing estradiol as simple as it can be.

I would aim to run this (providing blood work all comes back satisfactorily) @ 500mg weekly (2 x 250mg pins every 3.5 days) - for 12-14 weeks.

You will need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex, to run for the duration of the cycle - starting at 0.5mg every 3 days and adjusting depending on mid-cycle bloods.
This will manage estrogen and hopefully keep it within the desired range.

I would also recommend using HCG from week 1 until 3 days before starting your Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) - this will keep your testes nice and full and will help towards a rapid recovery once the cycle is completed. HCG should be run @ 250iu, again every 3.5 days - pin it on the same day as your Test to avoid messing up.

Your PCT should comprise of Nolvadex and Clomid and taken over a 4 week period. Start the PCT 18 days after last Test pin to allow the exogenous Test time to leave your body.

Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

Hope that helps...

And welcome to 'Ology :)

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Don't beat yourself up buddy...

I'd say 99% of forum goers have made mistakes that they're not proud of over the years...

The good thing is that you KNOW you fucked up - and have come here to put things right.

There is no need to go crazy with a (proper) first cycle (let's just pretend that last one didn't happen)...

Stick with a single estered Test (cypionate or enanthate) to make managing estradiol as simple as it can be.

I would aim to run this (providing blood work all comes back satisfactorily) @ 500mg weekly (2 x 250mg pins every 3.5 days) - for 12-14 weeks.

You will need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to run for the duration of the cycle - starting at 0.5mg every 3 days and adjusting depending on mid-cycle bloods.
This will manage estrogen and hopefully keep it within the desired range.

I would also recommend using HCG from week 1 until 3 days before starting your Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) - this will keep your testes nice and full and will help towards a rapid recovery once the cycle is completed. HCG should be run @ 250iu, again every 3.5 days - pin it on the same day as your Test to avoid messing up.

Your PCT should comprise of Nolvadex and Clomid and taken over a 4 week period. Start the PCT 18 days after last Test pin to allow the exogenous Test time to leave your body.

Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

Hope that helps...

And welcome to 'Ology :)


The ai Ben spoke of is undoubtedly arimidex. Being a newb, it might take you awhile to 'dial in' the correct ai dose for YOU as we all aromatize at different rates. Genetics and body comp along with the compound(s) you use will determine your optimal ai dose.
This board houses a lot of bros with good info on how to run AAS relatively safely.

Good to have you
@ Big Ben- thank you for the response. I will feel much better about this whole situation after seeing my blood work. I will definitely go with a single estered test my next cycle, along with proper PCT. The inconsistent pins of the sus I was using had to make matters worse. I will follow your advice and stick with test e or c while running an AI and hcg throughout. I know everyone's body reacts different to these compounds but is it safe to say that keeping my levels more stable will keep the acne flares down?? I am still suffering from cysts on my chest and even a little on my neck. It's not unmanageable anymore but just a reminder that I need to use these compunds properly and know what I'm doing. I've been doing a lot more research on this subject and will continue to learn before starting my real "first cycle."
Some people are prone to acne, hair loss etc - and some users aren't...

I can't help with regard to acne, but I will say keeping stability in bloods throughout the cycle makes things more manageable.

I'll let others who have suffered with acne chime in on what they may do to remedy this.
The good thing is that the acne wasn't horrible and my blood levels had to be inconsistent. Doing a single ester properly should help. I had acne as a teenager so I know being predisposed to it in the first place could cause it to flare on cycle. I'll be prepared to deal with it and do everything I can to keep it to a minimum. @ Big Ben- do you think Its still possible to get the famous "first cycle gains" with my next test cycle? Even though I've already introduced my body to external testosterone.
You haven't actually stated what dose of Sustanon you were running.... you could always bump it to 600mg if you are concerned...

It goes without saying, that even if you go for a gram of Test, the results will be dictated by an appropriate diet and decent training protocol.

Drugs won't do everything for you, they just accentuate the hard work you do.
I was doing 500mg/ week. Monday and Thursday was my initial plan but like I stated before, my pins were inconsistent. Meaning I would skip a day here and there and sometimes not pin for 5 days plus. It was a very sloppy way of doing this "cycle." I would even consider it a cycle at this point just a stupid mistake. So I honestly do not know the exact mg/week. The one thing I did do right is my diet. I had a solid diet. I was very happy with my strength and weight gains so who knows how well it really could have went if I did the sus properly. Lesson learned
Welcome bro. You are not the only one here who has ran a half assed first cycle.

Everything you need to understand to run an effective cycle is here.
Its nice to know I'm not alone. Lesson learned and time to move on!! I'm hoping blood work comes back ok because I'm ready to get on again :).... The right way.. Any pointers on a dbol or tbol kick start? I did not have bad side effects from the test before so I thought a nice kick off might work well???
Any pointers on a dbol or tbol kick start?

Keep that for your next cycle bud... learn how to manage estradiol on Test only cycle first...

Don't try and run before you can walk.

You already have bad stats... 1 cycle - 1 nightmare.

So get a decent consistent cycle under your belt before adding in new compounds.
Yeah I agree. I will run a good test cycle first. You've been a lot of help Ben and I am definitely going to follow your advice. Much appreciated!! Have you gotten to the point where you don't enjoy your workouts as much when your off cycle? Or is it harder to get motivated to push yourself at the gym?? Exercise is a great release for me and I truly look forward to hard workout days :)...
Wow it is so refreshing to see someone admit they were stupid. That attitude will take you a long way here. Welcome!
Well you just got some great advice and a good discussion from bigbenn. I'll thank him also for his input even though he didn't leave me anything to add...Ha ! So there ya go keep reading all you can and as you know now there is ore to this to doing it properly then just stabbing your ass like we did back in the 80's.. Good Luck