1st Test E cycle


On the way
Im just about to run a 10 week test cycle before i start i wanna get some input to see what you guys think.

Wk 1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg each week(split dose- mon250 mg & fri250 mg )

Wk 1-15 Nolvadex 20mg each day

Wk 12-15 Clomid
looks good, I would run Aromasin (extremestane) during the cycle instead of Nolva, but nolva will work
I wanted to run Aromasin but i can only get ahold of nolva. im deployed right now so i wanna keep it real basic til i get home. thanks man
from the research ive done and what ive told on here id run it without the nolva.. they say it lowers IGF-1.. keep it close by but dont run it unless you need too.. for running during a cycle Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is the way to go..
Yea man i was thinking being it is such a pain in the ass to get it over here im just gonna keep the nolva on hand and run it with out.. i do want the most gains i can get and keep from this cycle. thanks man:beertoast
Test 350

It my first cycle
Will 10ml of test 350, 1ml a week
have any effect on my blood pressure??
It my first cycle
Will 10ml of test 350, 1ml a week
have any effect on my blood pressure??
For future reference, start your own thread in the steroid discussion forum. It shouldnt raise your blood pressure, buy a home test kit at wal mart or something and monitor it.