1st tren cycle fat gain need advice


New member
Hey so this is my first cycle tri tren 1/2cc ED with Clen 2 days on 2 days off. I started 156 6% body fat not im 170 9%. Te only side effect i have are night sweats and insomnia. Im on week 6 and notice the body fat an looks like i have gyno setting in. I average just under 3k cal. around 250g protein 100g fat and 150g carbs. Is there any way i can deal with the fat issue being summer and all particular i don't want it to keep going up.
We could offer a bit more accurate advice if we knew how long you have been working out and your age, pls.
I basically used the advise from the person I got it from. I'm 28 and have been lifting for around 8 years and fairly strong for my size before the cycle I was already benching twice my body weight.. i have no sex drive issues and no test issues that I know of atleast. I do take some natural test booster with the cycle to be safe. I believe it's mostly goat weed. My main issue right now is to control the fat gain. Or is the lack of test with the cycle causing my issue.
I basically used the advise from the person I got it from. I'm 28 and have been lifting for around 8 years and fairly strong for my size before the cycle I was already benching twice my body weight.. i have no sex drive issues and no test issues that I know of atleast. I do take some natural test booster with the cycle to be safe. I believe it's mostly goat weed. My main issue right now is to control the fat gain. Or is the lack of test with the cycle causing my issue.

Sounds like your friend dicked you over. Might want to beat the shit out of him. He put you on a terrible cycle. You have no testosterone or estrogen circulating in your body. Men need testosterone and estrogen to be healthy.

P.S. test boosters do not work. Total waste of money.
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