2 cycle


New member
Hello this is my second cycle I'm 29 6"1 205 with about 18 to 20 % bf
My cycle will include seeing a professional nutritionist to get my number correct.

I would be running

Test prop 400mg/eod,weeks 1-10
Hcg 250ius/ 2 twice a week 1-10
Winstrol 50mg Ed weeks 5-10

I have letrozole .25mg only because I got it for free
Start 4 days after my last pin.

Was thinking of adding 50mg Anavar not sure yet

Muitvitamin, LCARTINE , and other OTC sports supplements

Please let's me know what u think what to add or take away?? Or ur input of the anavar??
1600 or test of week is a lot but your choice. never done anavar cant help u there i just see it as a girls drug. if i were you i would work on getting my bf down this cycle. so you will look good! all diet there tho. not really sure what type of answer you are looking for.
haha big difference,, don't know about that and post cycle therapy (pct) no experience on it,,, i wouuld do 500 but 400 is ok.

what is your main goal on this cycle?