2 months into test prop..nothing.


New member
been taking 200mg test prop (testolic) once a week for 2 months and i dont feel shit. my stepdad gives me the shot in the ass, i know he knows what hes doing but idk. its in the muscle but i dont feel any different. and supposedly you're supposed to feel different after 24-48hrs. i have hypogonadism and hypothyroidism. im 24 years old
im also taking eltroxin for my thyroid. was on 50mg clomid because my sperm count was low. but i ran out and didnt bother to take anymore. not sure if you're supposed to notice any changes in volume but after 2 months i didn't. anyway..i'm really depressed all the fucking time. im almost always a jerk to people i work with. i work in a high stress kitchen so yeah. im always tired, sleep 9 hours but feel like i only got 3 hours. so many people telling me oh its test prop you should take that daily or whatever, but my stepdad claims otherwise because my levels are so low it needs to slowly be built back up to normal. idk..i just want it to work. i also have a very low libido, and cannot maintain an erection for more than like 30 fucking seconds unless stimulation is consistent.

another thing thats really depressing, is that all throughout puberty my testosterone levels were super low. so my penis didnt grow to its intended length. it hasn't changed in size since i was maybe 13 or 14. probably even 12 i dont remember. stepdad says that after a year or so of trt it'll finish growing to its intended size. i hope so. hard to hold a relationship. im sick of it. hope somebody has some answers for me
Weekly dosing is not appropriate for propionate. You should pin every second day or get a longer ester like cypionate or enanthate.

Does your testosterone come from a pharmacy?
200mgs of prop injected once per week isn't good at all. Your step dad is an idiot. You should tell your mom so she gets rid of him for doing stupid shit to you. Prop needs pinned every other day and in no way is used for trt.
Weekly dosing is not appropriate for propionate. You should pin every second day or get a longer ester like cypionate or enanthate.

Does your testosterone come from a pharmacy?

sorry sorry it is enanthate my bad not prop lol. its test Er
200mgs of prop injected once per week isn't good at all. Your step dad is an idiot. You should tell your mom so she gets rid of him for doing stupid shit to you. Prop needs pinned every other day and in no way is used for trt.

its actually his andrologist friend who got all the meds/did the dosing. still though, youre not the first person to tell me prop is NOT for weekly dosing. but its for hypogonadism, not for body building or anything. i just wanna be normal...please
Holy shit you your dad and whom ever the other person is knows NOTHING about what they are doing.

For Christ s sake stop everything and start getting
Educated in the safe and proper use of AAS.
How old are you n what are your stats. Did I miss that.
Yes, prop is absolute the wrong thing!
Use 200mg/week enanthate or cypionate for weekly injection (or 100mg subcutane... more stable levels).
You need to start from the beginning and get proper lab work done. You say you're hypogonadal but what are your results and what shows this? You need to get on a proper protocol And need to do a restart or get on TRT the right way. There are many issues here but getting your blood work done to see where your at is the first step.

It sounds like your self medicating and dosing, which is not a good idea as you're probably playing a guessing game which it appears you Are Losing.
TRT and also higher doses don't influence your natural penis size! It only can be helpful if the penis was shrinking over a period of very low testo.
You need to start from the beginning and get proper lab work done. You say you're hypogonadal but what are your results and what shows this? You need to get on a proper protocol And need to do a restart or get on TRT the right way. There are many issues here but getting your blood work done to see where your at is the first step.

It sounds like your self medicating and dosing, which is not a good idea as you're probably playing a guessing game which it appears you Are Losing.
no my primary diagnosed me with it. but she wouldnt start me on anything so i stopped seeing her. she's a nurse practitioner.

Sounds like a Troll :mad:
not at all
so this boils down to you using test prop to increase your penis size?!?
50% of it
Don't think he is a troll... think more he is extreme inexperienced. ;)

Holy shit you your dad and whom ever the other person is knows NOTHING about what they are doing.

For Christ s sake stop everything and start getting
Educated in the safe and proper use of AAS.
How old are you n what are your stats. Did I miss that.

24 1/2 and 370lbs 5'11"
To your penis question... it can cure shrinking from low T periods in the past but will never has the effect of growing penis.
This thing can testo only do in the puberty years. ;)