250mg test e pw, 100mg masteron ed, 20mg halotestin ed until I can get deca at 200mg


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250mg test e pw, 100mg mast p ed, 20mg halotestin ed until I can get deca at 200mg pw next month. Should my joints be okay until then? I'm currently running adex .5mg e3d I just dont wanna risk injury due to rapid strength increase from halo.
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Strength while staying lean, I know I dont really need the masteron but it's my first time running it so yeah I'm keeping it in there.
Too much adex for what literally will be like 200 or less ince you subtract the test ester. Masteron is not what someone uses for a strength cycle and joints being ok? Whats wrong with your joints? If your training heavy shits gonna hurt regardless research hormones that strengthen bone density and help ligaments your not gonna become a raging bull because you take halo and be careful there is alot of fake halo out there
I was running .25 eod but that's not enough I know my body, when I start getting lumps in my knees and it's hard to pee that means I need more adex and that blood clots are forming. So I'm staying at .5 e3d hell it's better than .5 eod in my opinion as it will last longer also only a little bit more than what I was taking so what's the problem?
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I was running .25 eod but that's not enough I know my body, when I start getting lumps in my knees and it's hard to pee that means I need more adex and that blood clots are forming. So I'm staying at .5 e3d hell it's better than .5 eod in my opinion as it will last longer also only a little bit more than what I was taking so what's the problem?

You dont know your body i can tell by your questions im donr here your cycle is great bro youll be fine with the rapid strength gains make sure you get that deca your gonma need it
DECA is slower than x mas. It won t hit for 4-6 weeks.

U doing one of my 42 month cycles lol ( in the 80 s mate )

Seriously though, deca should be started w the guy s on point not bringing up the rear and checking 6.
When s it s e t a the deca I mean ?
Length of this run ?

U will be strong...what s ur lifts stats e t c. ?
Lumps in ur knees ? Blood clots ?

w t h ?

I m out back w 49 er ; were gonna go deadlift and let someone else unfuck this hap hazardness.

U make me nervous.
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I'm never coming off bro I might just run npp first just to get it in my bloodstream faster then cruise on the deca my best raw lifts are 600 squat in sleeves 505 bench and 635 deadlift.
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I'm never coming off bro I might just run npp first just to get it in my bloodstream faster then cruise on the deca my best raw lifts are 600 squat in sleeves 505 bench and 635 deadlift.

How old are you? You must have some records for sure you going to world's or nationals? Those are really good lifts
Your kidding right? I have to get my squat and Deadlift up before I even think about competing but thanks. I'm most likely weighing in at 220-242 class unless I can get down to 198 which is going to be tough. I'm 28.
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I was a 198..tough class when ur 5 ft 11 inch.
Some Hobbit with 1/2 my bar travel would always s kill ,me in the end.
Your kidding right? I have to get my squat and Deadlift up before I even think about competing but thanks. I'm most likely weighing in at 220-242 class unless I can get down to 198 which is going to be tough. I'm 28.

Your total is more than enough for nationals id love to see a video of you benching 500