2nd Bulking Cycle Tren+Prop


New member
my first cycle was Test Enan 500mg per week i pretty much mainted most of my gains for over 2months by using nolvadex for pct.

i am 23 years old, 5.8" height , 166pound, 10~13%bf.

i will be running prop 150mg EOD + tren 75mg EOD all jabs are in the bum as my nurse suggested.

for pct will be using nolvadex and will try to get my hand on some hcg and try it out.

today i had my first jab in left glute and will go to the gym to do my favourite work out chest + tricip
Good luck man. Did the prop hurt? Also HCG is suggested to be used during the cycle. How long will this cycle be?
Good luck man. Did the prop hurt? Also HCG is suggested to be used during the cycle. How long will this cycle be?

the stuff i was using was trenbol v which is a mixture of 100mg prop + 75mg tren per ml.

and the other stuff is prop 50mg per ml.

i took a 1ml of each mixed in the same syringe. i didnt feel any pain till now and its been 6hrs since the jab...

orginally this cycle was ment to be 4weeks only because thats how long i am in the country but i am gonna change my flight so i can do 8weeks :)
lol thats funny. You dont need to use HCG for such a short cycle its recommended for anything over 10 weeks. What you could do is run clomid and nolva for pct if it makes you feel any better because clomid is superior to nolva for HPTA recovery which is what hcg does.
lol thats funny. You dont need to use HCG for such a short cycle its recommended for anything over 10 weeks. What you could do is run clomid and nolva for pct if it makes you feel any better because clomid is superior to nolva for HPTA recovery which is what hcg does.

i thought of using HCG because prop + tren are both short acting therefore it will shut HPTA earlier than long acting.. correct me if i am wrong about this please.
day2, i did back + bicips, i feelt a good pump and stronger.. i dont know if its the juice kicked in or its psychological.
day 3 jab in right glute.. it stang a lil cuz it wasnt my usuall nurse but all fine..
i did legs today felt good, stronger and wanted to jump up in weights..
i think i am getting abit of insomani, i couldnt sleep all night last night,, it took me over 3 hours to fall asleep..
day4,, did shoulders today, my strength has def gone up, last nite i had a good sleep so no insomani lol..
day5, jab in left glute didnt even feel a thing.. its day off from the gym today, so rest and extra eating lol. 2 days till i check my weight, i feel bigger already :P
hey bro try this
start with the left side of ur body..........shoulder chest left bum cheek thigh....
then transfer over to right side of body.....right shoulder chest right bum cheek right thigh...it gives the body ample time to heal and ur less as sore bro
hey bro try this
start with the left side of ur body..........shoulder chest left bum cheek thigh....
then transfer over to right side of body.....right shoulder chest right bum cheek right thigh...it gives the body ample time to heal and ur less as sore bro

thx for the advice bro will do.
surely should have picked everything up before you shot your first shot....i would still be using just one compound
shouldnt one use nolva with tren?
Tren is a progestin. A STRONG progestin. Progestins cause the pituitary to release prolactin, which makes pp limp, and also causes a unique form of gyno AND may exsacerbate estrogen gyno. Tamoxifen(nolva) Upregulates progestin receptors. Not good.
Unless of course, we are using nolva for pct, after the tren has cleared. Then it's ok. Just dont take them together.
a major update.. i made a mistake thinking all Tren are the same so i've been taking my Tren Hex EOD which is wrong.. from now its going to be E3D 1.3ml of tren+prop mix + 1ml prop/50mg
day 8 was off.
day 9 did chest alone.
cycle has been further changed to
112.5mg tren hex e4d
150mg prop eod
as mentioned before the tren hex i use is 75mg tren + 100mg prop per ml so 1.5ml e4d in shoulders gives 150mg prop + 112.5tren h.
and the extra prop i have is 1ml/50mg so 3ml in glute e4d..