2nd cycle and 2nd week of Test E & Nandrolone deconate


New member
I'm going on my second week of
500 mg of test e weeks 1-12
250 mg of deca durabolin weeks 1-10
.25 mg of arimidex EOD
Sal Palm metto
Red yeast rice
Hawthorne berry
Fish oil
Hcg 500 Iu a week, spilt 250 week 10 to 14
Pct is 150 mg Clomid day one the. 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 20/20/20/20
Ostarine 15 mg
Aromasin 12.5 mg twice a week (great for killing extra e2 and really brings up your IGF1 levels)
230 lbs
15% bf
30 years old

Wondering what type of gains I should expect from this second cycle, my first cycle was a regular 500 mg test e with 14 lb of muscle gain..
Just wondering what should I expect from this cycle doing 40/40/20 with 800 calories over my maintance????

Thanks guys
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Not sure how much mass you'll put on, but I am sure 10 weeks is too short a time to run deca. Are you able to extend your cycle?
Yes I am however I was just using this dosage and this amount of time becasue it's my second cycle and I didn't want to add too much to my body so it can slowly get used to the newer compund (deca)
250 is a therapeutic dose for joint health. Anything under 400-500 is not suited for mass. You're already running it for too short of a time AND under dosing it. Start pinning more and extend the deca run to 14 weeks, test to 16.

You don't need to get used to the deca, you just need to make sure your e levels are kept in check!
That's great feedback thanks, I've read multiple studies on the use of deca and therapeutic Doses are 50 mg every 2-3 weeks, that's how strong deca is. Joints for 100-150 and 200-400 is highly anabolic.. Deca is a strong and great steroid that people have been to sissy to take becasue of the "progesterone" it affects
Deca isn't well suited for a short cycle like you are running. Npp would be a much better choice and I would run a higher dose 400-500mg ew. I wouldn't expect much more from this cycle than I would running test only.