2nd Cycle any advice?


New member
Hey guys some stats of me and my workout experience:
Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 175lbs
BF%: within 5-6%
Experience: 7 years of lifting track and football athlete throughout high school.

I just finished up my pct a couple months ago from my first cycle which was a 10 week cycle of test e at 500mg ew. Gains were noticeable, I gained about 15 pounds and strength was phenomenal.

I am planning my second cycle currently, my goals are to add about 10 pounds of dry lean mass, and to increase my lifts by 30% or more.

Here's what I have in mind
W1-10 test e 500mg ew
W1-10 masteron e 400 mg ew.
Adex at 1mg eod
PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 ed

Any advice on some things to add? other than diet and rest which I tend to do very well.

thats a good 2nd cycle brother....glad you're not one of these kids trying to run Tren on your 2nd.

biggest thing i see is you need Clomid for sure in your post cycle therapy (pct) along with the nolva. if you want to go with only one, then pick clomid over nolva as it is far more important.

With running that much masteron you won't need that much adex at all.......cut the dose in half. you may even only need .5mg E3D.

make sure your diet is good and you're eating them calories!!

Good luck!
He should be just running a high dose of chicken. Not gear!!! He's 21 and prob already did permanent damage to his hpta.
Whats wrong with tren on 2nd cycle? no disrespect legitimately curious. Thanks.
thats a good 2nd cycle brother....glad you're not one of these kids trying to run Tren on your 2nd.

biggest thing i see is you need Clomid for sure in your post cycle therapy (pct) along with the nolva. if you want to go with only one, then pick clomid over nolva as it is far more important.

With running that much masteron you won't need that much adex at all.......cut the dose in half. you may even only need .5mg E3D.

make sure your diet is good and you're eating them calories!!

Good luck!
dark thanks for the solid advice man! I definitely will run clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct), do you think a 100/100/50/50 dosage would be substantial?
Looks sick, I basically did that for my first cycle, also 21. I put on 30 pounds and people definitely knew something was up. Good luck and keep us posted!
Definitely will do bro! Just got my test today, going to get the mast once I get paid next week and its grind mode again