2nd cycle - Bulk


New member
1st cycle ran 250mg/ TE per week , ( yea i know it was weak but it was my first cycle :D)

Planning on running a Deca & Test E cycle.

My current stats:

6'3 - 97Kg , 15% bf

T E : 350mg per week (12 weeks)
Deca : 100 mg per week (12 weeks)

post cycle therapy (pct)/Intra:

W1-4: Arimidex : 0.5mg/per day
4-12: Arimidex : 0.5 mg / EoD

W 13 : off

W14-15: 40mg Nolva /day
W15-18: 20mg Nolva/day

Was curious as to your thoughs on adding RP6 to Pct ? any other suggestions ?