2nd cycle Dbol, Winny, Derm. Thoughts please?


New member
30yrs old, 5'6 158lbs, 6-7%bf. Have been lifting 10+yrs consistently with some gaps inbetween(mostly due to injuries or even simple overtraining) Have had successful cycles of products like Mdrol, Epi in the past. Had thought about a Dbol cycle in the past but since that was all I had at the time I decided not to. The current cycle I am looking to run is for 8 weeks consisting of Dbol, Dermacrine, Proviron, Winny.

Something like this:

Dbol Weeks 1-5 (25-35mg)
Dermacrine Weeks 1-8 (4 pumps?)
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD while on Dbol
Winny Weeks 5-8 (50mg)
CEL Cycle Assist weeks 1-8 AND? post

Methyl 4aa weeks 6-8, 1-2 of post cycle
Forged Post Cycle 4 weeks
Clomid 50/25/25/25

I also have enough Proviron for around 3 weeks if say dosed at 50mg. Wasnt sure if using that instead of Aromasin would be better during Dbol weeks and just have Aromasin on hand in case any flare ups.

Any changes or additions for better recovery or just effectiveness of stack would be appreciated.
I'll probably be starting this in the next week or two and can log some results in this thread if there is any interest
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