2nd cycle equipoise/test cypionate


New member
My first cycle I used only test cyp 500 mg week for 12 weeks. I had good muscular gains with little side effects some acne.for my 2nd cycle I'm thinking of running equipoise at 400mg/week and test cyp at 500mg/week for 12 weeks.I have done a lot of research and feel this stack will give me more tone muscle.I always keep arimidex on hand incase of gyno and plan on using clomide for pct.I am 33 years old 5'7" tall 165lb my diet is on track and hit the gym 5 days a week,does anyone have any advise ,does this sound like a good cycle?
Eq is best ran at 600mg for atleast 16 weeks. It makes a world of a difference if you run it for that long. That why im considering deca instead for my second one.