2nd cycle help trying to get rid of what I think k is gyno


Future IFBB Pro
Weight lifting 6 years.

Week 1- week 16 test e 500mg week.
week 16 - week 24 upped test 650 week.
PCT started week 26 100mg clomid and 40ml of nolva.
Also running GH , started 2 months before cycle at 2iu worked up to 5iu ED at month 7 now.

Around week 21-22 I notice a small mass on my nipple on the bottom part. I started armidex .05 Ed for a week then 1 ED for a week. At this point I should have came on here asking questions, but I waited and started PCT. I'm 11 days into PCT. At day 8 I upped nolva to 100ml to try and get rid of the problem and has gotten slightly better. Should I start letrozole or keep the nolva at 100ml and wait for it to get better? This is my 2nd cycle and didn't have any problems my first.
have you done blood test to see your levels?

I did not get a base. I got blood work done at week 3 to make sure GH and test were g2g. My state requires me to have a script to get blood work so I cannot buy 1 online. My doctor gave me a hard time with with last results so getting blood work done is going to be rough but I understand that will be the best indicator.

I'm just curious if anyone has had this problem and if this is gyno. I've never had gyno and thought it was only lumps inside the chest.
Doctor confirmed it is gyno today.
I have been on let for three weeks and the gyno has had no change.

Can anyone give any help please?
I prefer letrozole for this over anything else because it is easy to adjust the dose with your body Telly you to. The estrogen rebound is nice to it assures you don't shut it down permently. I had some issues with anastrazole. It was very painful.