Hey all, need your thoughts and experience. Ran my first cycle at 600mg per week test c as a starter. A hair higher than the recommended 500mg per week. Started at 170lbs ended at 182lbs. Went great, put on some good size and now looking at round 2. I was thinking of just upping the test to 1000mgs a week. Is that to simple or will that run just fine? Thoughts on adding dbol? If so, will running it at 50mg for 4 weeks be a strong start? And would i have to drop some of the test?
Goals: Bulk and strength
Current: 188lbs, 6' tall, and 18% body fat.
Week 1-14 500mg Test C twice a week
Week 16-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 16-18 HCG
Aromasin on stand by if needed.
Thoughts on adding dbol to this.
Thanks for your time! Rip me apart... starting NOW!
Goals: Bulk and strength
Current: 188lbs, 6' tall, and 18% body fat.
Week 1-14 500mg Test C twice a week
Week 16-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 16-18 HCG
Aromasin on stand by if needed.
Thoughts on adding dbol to this.
Thanks for your time! Rip me apart... starting NOW!