2nd cycle (oral only). Need advice


New member
Hi all,

This is my 2nd cycle. I'm planning to do a oral only cycle for 6 weeks.

Week 1 - 6: Proviron 50mg + Dianabol 30mg ed.
Week 7: Nolvadex 40mg + Clomid 50mg ed.
Week 8 - 9: Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg ed.

After my first cycle I felt a small lump on my right chest and I know for sure thats a gyno. I used nolvadex for additional 2 weeks after PCT and it reduced. But I still feel it's there inside but not visible.
I have a photo shoot on July 25, 2013. I have to do something to improve my physique, coz my career depends on it. I believe if I take test again I might aggravate the gyno hidden inside thats why I'm planning for this oral cycle.

Pls suggest me whether I could proceed with this oral cycle or not. If not kindly suggest some other cycle considering the gyno I have. I want a lean muscular physique for my photo shoot.

My first cycle was 4 months ago
Week 1 - 12: test E @ 500mg / week (Mon & Thu).
Week 7 - 14: Anavar @ 50mg ed ( 8 weeks ).

PCT 4 weeks (2 weeks after my last shot of test e):
Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20

Thanks in advance.
I would say no to the oral only cycle. This has been covered a million times, so you should have no trouble finding reasons not to do it.

Were you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on your first cycle? If not, there's your problem. I use adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed. I would recommend you do another test cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and maybe even run the proviron for the full cycle. If you did well on the first one, I would bump this one up a little, maybe to 600mg per week and push it out to 14-16 weeks, and use the Dbol as a kick starter for the first 4 weeks. Use your best judgment based on how you felt last time.

I think you'll be very disappointed if you run the oral only cycle.
^^^ beat to the punch

First of all oral only cycle with dbol is not going to improve your physique for a photo shoot in 6 weeks. Unless its a photo shoot about water retention. The best thing your going to want to use to get ready for a photo shoot is going to be diet.. And if your gonna use gear it'll have to be short esters like prop or test acetate.

Secondly all cycles should be done with a base of test.

Thirdly Dbol is an estrogen bomb and will agggrevate your pre existing gyno as much as test will if not more

Sure you may have a lump, so do I thats why you control it with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex or aromasin. Its all about controlling the aromatization in a positive way that allows for safe use of compounds without causing gyno.

You ran your first cycle without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is probably the reason you ended up with the lump at least it was for me many moons ago.
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I used anastrazole. here it is available as armotraz. I took .5mg eod during my first cycle and still got gyno.

I would say no to the oral only cycle. This has been covered a million times, so you should have no trouble finding reasons not to do it.

Were you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on your first cycle? If not, there's your problem. I use adex at 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed. I would recommend you do another test cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and maybe even run the proviron for the full cycle. If you did well on the first one, I would bump this one up a little, maybe to 600mg per week and push it out to 14-16 weeks, and use the Dbol as a kick starter for the first 4 weeks. Use your best judgment based on how you felt last time.

I think you'll be very disappointed if you run the oral only cycle.