2nd cycle review and advice - Test e - eq - tbol - var

Swat Valley

New member
Evening strangers,

Been lurking these forums for a while now and thought it'd be a good idea to post my planned cycle for 2nd opinions.

Would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.

Age: 32
Height: 5"11
Weight: 86kg
Bf%: 13-14
Been training on and off since my teens.
On properly for the last 5.
Last cycle was test only and gains were very pleasing.

I promised myself it was only going to be that one cycle, but it turns out I was wrong:)

Anyways, here's what I have planned:

W 1 - 4 Tbol 60mg ed (kickstart)
W 1 - 12 Test e 500mg ew
W 1 - 10 eq 600mg ew
W 8 -14 var 60-80mg ed

W 1 - 13 Adex 0.25 eod

Hcg 250ui 2x a week = 500ui ew

W 14 - 18 Nolva and clomid

Goals are lean gains and if lucky, a drop in some bodyfat.
Want gains that can be more or less kept after pct.

Don't want any water retention.
Do not want to blow up either, so surplus in calories will not be enormous.

Now onto questions:

1. Is adding the var at the end overkill?
Or am I better off just dropping the tbol and using the var at the start and beginning of the cycle?

2. Someone told me aromasin is better after last shot, cause it works in a different manner to adex, is it better if I used aromasin for the last two weeks before pct?

3. I'm going to start the hcg shots on week 1, question is when do I stop?
A week before pct ensues?
I've had conflicting advice on this and would like some clarity.

Thanks for having a look at this thread and would very much appreciate your advice:)
1. I would do both, as long as they're separate.
>> what really has me concerned is that you have eq in there for 10 weeks. the undeconate ester attached to boldonene will take a good 5-6 weeks to kick in so you're off before it comes good. don't use eq unless you're able to go 14-18 weeks with it. You'd get better results with npp here, or simple trying the Test + tbol and then var at the end.

2. no difference, keep going with the adex

3. 3 days before PCT. short half life, will be out quickly.

Now to add a 4. start PCT 3 weeks after your last Test e shot. it doesn't fully clear in 2 weeks...in fact it has a 2 week half life. that means if you shoot 500mg you still have 250mg exogenous test in your body....wait 3 weeks.
Thank you very much Onk, appreciate the response brother.
Yeah, the consensus seems to be 16+ weeks if running eq, I read a few places where guys did 10-12 weeks and had results, thou how much of them gains can be attributed to eq is debatable, the bulk would've come from the other compounds.

I was thinking of replacing the eq with masteron, that might be a better option, since I cannot exceed the cycle time, due to travelling abroad just after pct is done.
Had a feeling eq isn't worth running for 10 weeks, but was hoping maybe some of you guys would say it would still do it's magic within 10 weeks:) lol

I will start pct 3 weeks after last test shot.

Once thank you for your time and effort in giving me this valuable advice.
Will be seeing more of you guys when I start posting my progress thread on cycle.

Warm regards,

Swat Valley

1. I would do both, as long as they're separate.
>> what really has me concerned is that you have eq in there for 10 weeks. the undeconate ester attached to boldonene will take a good 5-6 weeks to kick in so you're off before it comes good. don't use eq unless you're able to go 14-18 weeks with it. You'd get better results with npp here, or simple trying the Test + tbol and then var at the end.

2. no difference, keep going with the adex

3. 3 days before PCT. short half life, will be out quickly.

Now to add a 4. start PCT 3 weeks after your last Test e shot. it doesn't fully clear in 2 weeks...in fact it has a 2 week half life. that means if you shoot 500mg you still have 250mg exogenous test in your body....wait 3 weeks.