Hi guys,
my boyfriend wanna run his second cycle, but he doesn't know what exactly to take, because he got acne during his first cycle (deca and test e for 12 weeks oct-dec 2014)...he's running accutane right now, and he should restart juice on april...what do you suggest??
He thinks that acne was most probably caused by test-e, not by deca...so he thinks its better for him to stay away, at least for a bit, from test and to take something like Eq and Primo...and to continue to run 20mg of accutane during next cycle, to prevent any form of acne...what do you think???
what a second cycle should be like??
my boyfriend wanna run his second cycle, but he doesn't know what exactly to take, because he got acne during his first cycle (deca and test e for 12 weeks oct-dec 2014)...he's running accutane right now, and he should restart juice on april...what do you suggest??
He thinks that acne was most probably caused by test-e, not by deca...so he thinks its better for him to stay away, at least for a bit, from test and to take something like Eq and Primo...and to continue to run 20mg of accutane during next cycle, to prevent any form of acne...what do you think???
what a second cycle should be like??