Hey I'm doing my 2nd cycle, my first cycle was a year ago and it was a simple test cyp 500mg/w cycle for 15 weeks, i gained 18lbs and ended up keeping around 12. I ran aromasin at 25mg EoD.
Ran standard post cycle therapy (pct).
Now I'm doing my 2nd cycle, its going to look like this.
age 21
height 5'4
weight 145lbs
Test Cyp 500mg/week. wks 1-15
EQ 500mg/week. wks 1-15
winny 50mg/d first 4 weeks and last 6 weeks.
aromasin 25mg eod
Now I'm wondering what all i should run for post cycle therapy (pct) as this is a 3 compound cycle.
Is it the same as if I just ran test?
Thanks in advance for any advice, also might add dbol at start of cycle, any advice on that too?
Ran standard post cycle therapy (pct).
Now I'm doing my 2nd cycle, its going to look like this.
age 21
height 5'4
weight 145lbs
Test Cyp 500mg/week. wks 1-15
EQ 500mg/week. wks 1-15
winny 50mg/d first 4 weeks and last 6 weeks.
aromasin 25mg eod
Now I'm wondering what all i should run for post cycle therapy (pct) as this is a 3 compound cycle.
Is it the same as if I just ran test?
Thanks in advance for any advice, also might add dbol at start of cycle, any advice on that too?
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