2nd cycle underway, looking for length support..


Going to be doing another test e cycle since I got pretty good results from my 1st AAS cycle ever. 1st cycle I did 500mg of test e a week for 12 weeks. For this cycle I'm going to be doing 625mg a week, 1.25cc Mondays and Thursdays. Just not sure if I want to run it for 14 weeks or 15 weeks? Looking for suggestions.

For AI it will be .25mg eod dex til start of PCT, PCT 2 weeks after last pin Clomi 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20
My advice would be to have enough on hand to go beyond 15 weeks and listen to your body. Reassess at week 14, if quality gains have become stagnant then discontinue if your still going strong keep rockin it.
My advice would be to have enough on hand to go beyond 15 weeks and listen to your body. Reassess at week 14, if quality gains have become stagnant then discontinue if your still going strong keep rockin it.

I have more than enough to run beyond 15 weeks, I have 5 vials. Funny you mentioned that. My 1st cycle I was actually getting stronger when I was around week 10 and continued getting stronger during pct and even after up til this point.

This an OP product? Will be curious about it.

Sure is