This is my second cycle my first cycle was Test E for 14 weeks went from 150 to 165 around 12% BF, this was about 1.5 - 2 years ago. Since then been doing cross-fit and circuit workouts .
Current stats
Weight: 160 Pounds
Height: 5"8.5
Diet: Pretty clean i try to keep to the new 1/4 protein 1/4 carb 1/2 veggie plate thing ( plus after workout protein shake.
Body fat: Near 10%
I currently do cross-fit 4 days a week and run twice a week for 4-5 miles each run. I wanted help with recovery and gains with stamina/ endurance...Training for a 7.5 mile mud run in October...
I'm currently taking 100mg eod test prop and 300 mg eq 2 x a week I started July 1st so i'm still very early on my cycle...
Planning on taking the eq for 12 weeks and the prop for 14 or 15 weeks. I have arimidex and Nolva on hand for any sides... Will use clomid and nolva for pct, still debating HCG ( i know it must be used prior to pct just wondering if its worth the doe).
I know its a bit late to ask but just want your thoughts. Iv's been reading about the prop and eq actually hurting my endurance is this right? Definitely don't want that to happen...
Current stats
Weight: 160 Pounds
Height: 5"8.5
Diet: Pretty clean i try to keep to the new 1/4 protein 1/4 carb 1/2 veggie plate thing ( plus after workout protein shake.
Body fat: Near 10%
I currently do cross-fit 4 days a week and run twice a week for 4-5 miles each run. I wanted help with recovery and gains with stamina/ endurance...Training for a 7.5 mile mud run in October...
I'm currently taking 100mg eod test prop and 300 mg eq 2 x a week I started July 1st so i'm still very early on my cycle...
Planning on taking the eq for 12 weeks and the prop for 14 or 15 weeks. I have arimidex and Nolva on hand for any sides... Will use clomid and nolva for pct, still debating HCG ( i know it must be used prior to pct just wondering if its worth the doe).
I know its a bit late to ask but just want your thoughts. Iv's been reading about the prop and eq actually hurting my endurance is this right? Definitely don't want that to happen...