2nd Cycle...


New member
52 years old...175 lbs Non drinker, non smoker, been working out 4 to 5 times a week for 4 years. Did first cycle about a year ago.
Test E...500 mg/ week 12 weeks
Deca.....250 mg/ week 12 weeks

My gains were amazing and I felt great...No issues pinning and only negative experiance was the acne, though not a real issue. Looking to do my 2nd cycle and asking for advice. I though about upping my Test to 750 mg/ per week and wondering if I should also up the deca or is there something else I should look at ? From what I am reading this seemed like a very simple cycle. Thoughts ?
you could simply raise the doses and go again,like 600/400

you might also find Deca kills libido for some over 300 mg , maybe EQ instead
im 47 and you being 52 id ask if you perform CBC blood testing and know what your hematocrit and hemoglobin are at, its not worth a stroke. sometimes I think next year im doing my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test C and 60 mg of anavar for 8 weeks and thats it
Good point on the bloods Bhrees. Never really considered that risk and it is something to educate our 'aging'brains on.
Sammy, I'm leaning towards the deca/Test for my 2nd cycle too. The deca seems worth the temporary libido risk vs the reward of happy joints.
Do your due dilligence and see what works for your goals. And keep us posted!
Good advice bhrees, my libido was off the charts during the 1st cycle...my wife was so amazed when I explained what I was up to she has supported my decision to do another cycle. Im thinking 600/400 is where I am heading but will look more into EQ.