Property is theft!
Ok Dlove asked me for something to build mad strentgh on, as we believe in many same principles in training.
This is something that has helped me gain the most in my lifting career. Its not mine and i dont know whos it is, but its quite common with a lot of PL/Powerbuilders/Strongman even at the very top level. Its an offseason program so im not gonna include any peaking phase on it.
The secret of the program is that there is no secret. Just heavy hard intense work, and i must say this program will not work for those who cannot train with 110% intensity and it wont work if you try and add more volume to it as it will defeat the purpose.
1-2 work up to a 5rep max on main lifts.
3-4 work up to a 3rep max on main lifts.
5 deload.
(Leave one clean rep in the tank!)
start again but i like to go for my 1rep max at this point and deload after that.
Split would be like this:
6&7. rest.
Next week would be two bench days and one squat. (this way you get more growth phases also)
squat/dead day would look like:
1. Main heavy move: squat, front squat, good morning, zercher squat etc...you get the idea. I would recomend going with squats first. Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.
2. Posterior chain movement. 3-4x10 (or hammy/quad if you feel they are a weak link)
3. row or other back exercise. 3-4x10
abs 3x20
Benchday would be:
1. Main heavy lift: A pressing compound lift, i like db press, decline bench, 2´´board press, military press.Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.
2. Tricep/shoulder exercise 3-4x10. Jm press, db press, dips. A good solid compound move, but a good 2-3reps in the tank.
3. Pullups/pulldowns.
abs 3x20.
Rest days you should do somesort off cardio, low intensity will work best for most people for recovery and overall health. Plus many people wont gain anything when hitting too much cardio and gaining is the purpose of this program.
All the exercises should be done with 100% correct technique and i recomend streching on offdays to steer injury away.
It will only give you as much as you can give it, but this for me helped me break the 300kg mark in the deadlift and i was not on cycle at that point. So if you can muster the intensity then this litle simple program will give you very nice gains as long as you eat accordingly.
On a cycle i would do the same amount of volume just lift heavier weigths and eat shitloads more(protein).
Dlove bro you asked about bands and such, and honestly i would not use them unless your gonna compete in equipped powerlifting, for a raw lifter/muscle builder i would not use them. Plus bands are very easy to overtrain and get injured with. I get imflamed just by looking at them.
There is a similar new program thats more for peaking by Jim Wendler called Variation X: the 5/3/1 method that people are raving about, so look that up too.
This is something that has helped me gain the most in my lifting career. Its not mine and i dont know whos it is, but its quite common with a lot of PL/Powerbuilders/Strongman even at the very top level. Its an offseason program so im not gonna include any peaking phase on it.
The secret of the program is that there is no secret. Just heavy hard intense work, and i must say this program will not work for those who cannot train with 110% intensity and it wont work if you try and add more volume to it as it will defeat the purpose.
1-2 work up to a 5rep max on main lifts.
3-4 work up to a 3rep max on main lifts.
5 deload.
(Leave one clean rep in the tank!)
start again but i like to go for my 1rep max at this point and deload after that.
Split would be like this:
6&7. rest.
Next week would be two bench days and one squat. (this way you get more growth phases also)
squat/dead day would look like:
1. Main heavy move: squat, front squat, good morning, zercher squat etc...you get the idea. I would recomend going with squats first. Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.
2. Posterior chain movement. 3-4x10 (or hammy/quad if you feel they are a weak link)
3. row or other back exercise. 3-4x10
abs 3x20
Benchday would be:
1. Main heavy lift: A pressing compound lift, i like db press, decline bench, 2´´board press, military press.Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.
2. Tricep/shoulder exercise 3-4x10. Jm press, db press, dips. A good solid compound move, but a good 2-3reps in the tank.
3. Pullups/pulldowns.
abs 3x20.
Rest days you should do somesort off cardio, low intensity will work best for most people for recovery and overall health. Plus many people wont gain anything when hitting too much cardio and gaining is the purpose of this program.
All the exercises should be done with 100% correct technique and i recomend streching on offdays to steer injury away.
It will only give you as much as you can give it, but this for me helped me break the 300kg mark in the deadlift and i was not on cycle at that point. So if you can muster the intensity then this litle simple program will give you very nice gains as long as you eat accordingly.
On a cycle i would do the same amount of volume just lift heavier weigths and eat shitloads more(protein).
Dlove bro you asked about bands and such, and honestly i would not use them unless your gonna compete in equipped powerlifting, for a raw lifter/muscle builder i would not use them. Plus bands are very easy to overtrain and get injured with. I get imflamed just by looking at them.
There is a similar new program thats more for peaking by Jim Wendler called Variation X: the 5/3/1 method that people are raving about, so look that up too.