3 day program for building mad strength/muscle(for Dlove)


Property is theft!
Ok Dlove asked me for something to build mad strentgh on, as we believe in many same principles in training.

This is something that has helped me gain the most in my lifting career. Its not mine and i dont know whos it is, but its quite common with a lot of PL/Powerbuilders/Strongman even at the very top level. Its an offseason program so im not gonna include any peaking phase on it.

The secret of the program is that there is no secret. Just heavy hard intense work, and i must say this program will not work for those who cannot train with 110% intensity and it wont work if you try and add more volume to it as it will defeat the purpose.


1-2 work up to a 5rep max on main lifts.
3-4 work up to a 3rep max on main lifts.
5 deload.

(Leave one clean rep in the tank!)

start again but i like to go for my 1rep max at this point and deload after that.

Split would be like this:

6&7. rest.

Next week would be two bench days and one squat. (this way you get more growth phases also)

squat/dead day would look like:

1. Main heavy move: squat, front squat, good morning, zercher squat etc...you get the idea. I would recomend going with squats first. Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.

2. Posterior chain movement. 3-4x10 (or hammy/quad if you feel they are a weak link)

3. row or other back exercise. 3-4x10

abs 3x20

Benchday would be:

1. Main heavy lift: A pressing compound lift, i like db press, decline bench, 2´´board press, military press.Work up to a 5/3 rep max. Atleast 5-6 warm up sets, and obviously the more you can lift the more warm up sets you should have.

2. Tricep/shoulder exercise 3-4x10. Jm press, db press, dips. A good solid compound move, but a good 2-3reps in the tank.

3. Pullups/pulldowns.

abs 3x20.

Rest days you should do somesort off cardio, low intensity will work best for most people for recovery and overall health. Plus many people wont gain anything when hitting too much cardio and gaining is the purpose of this program.

All the exercises should be done with 100% correct technique and i recomend streching on offdays to steer injury away.

It will only give you as much as you can give it, but this for me helped me break the 300kg mark in the deadlift and i was not on cycle at that point. So if you can muster the intensity then this litle simple program will give you very nice gains as long as you eat accordingly.

On a cycle i would do the same amount of volume just lift heavier weigths and eat shitloads more(protein).

Dlove bro you asked about bands and such, and honestly i would not use them unless your gonna compete in equipped powerlifting, for a raw lifter/muscle builder i would not use them. Plus bands are very easy to overtrain and get injured with. I get imflamed just by looking at them.

There is a similar new program thats more for peaking by Jim Wendler called Variation X: the 5/3/1 method that people are raving about, so look that up too.
Jim Wendlers program Variation X the 5/3/1 method posted by duckduckgoose on intensemuscle.com

Basic setup:

Week 1 = 3 sets of 5 reps
Week 2 = 3 sets of 3 reps
Week 3 = 5/3/1
Week 4 = deload, 3 sets of 5 reps

Percentage setup:

Week 1 = 75% x 5 reps , 80% x 5 reps , 85% x 5 reps
Week 2 = 80% x 3 reps , 85% x 3 reps , 90% x 3 reps
Week 3 = 75% x 5 reps , 85% x 3 reps , 95% x 1 rep
Week 4 = deload - 60% x 5 reps , 65% x 5 reps , 70% x 5 reps

the cycle:

Week 1-

mon - military press
wed - deadlifts
fri - flat bench

Week 2-

mon - squats
wed - military press
fri - deadlifts

Week 3
mon - flat bench
wed - squats
fri - military press

Week 4
mon - deadlifts
wed - flat bench
fri - squats

Accessory Work :


delt / chest exercise - pick one of the following : 3-5 sets of 6-20 reps -

side db raises
db incline press
db flat bench
weighted dips
blast strap pushups

rear delt / trap exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 10-25 reps -

barbell shrugs
db rear delt raises
face pulls
db power cleans
band pull aparts


Pos. chain / Ham exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 5-30 reps -

kettelbell swings
leg curls
back extensions
glute ham raises

Abs / Obliques exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 10-50 reps -

ab wheel rollouts
hanging leg raises
weighted crunches
side bends


delt / chest exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 6-20 reps -

incline bench
machine military press
upright rows
side db raises

lat exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 6-30 reps -

db rows
chest supported rows
pulley rows


Quad exercise - pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 6-20 reps -

bulgarian split squats
lumberjack squats
hack squats
belt squats
leg presses

Abs / obliques exercise- pick one of the following for 3-5 sets of 10-50 reps -

weighted situps
hanging leg raises
ab wheel rollouts
weighted crunches
side bends
Great post. Like yourself and DLove, I too believe in max intensity with less volume. I cater my training a little bit more towards bodybuilding, but generally it's the same idea.

I may have to give Jim Wendlers program a go... That sounds bad ass.
Yes you have a great adaption of powerbuilding principles mate!

It be a great idea if you could do a symmary of your current split, for those who are too lazy to read your journal!

I have heard great things about Variation X, and once pct is done i am gonna give it a go.

I think a lot of people reading here will brush these because theyre not pure ´´bodybuilding´´ programs, but the funny thing is that they are excellent bodybuilding programs. Give one of them a go, and im shure you will be laughing at those high volume pencil necks at your gym afterwards;)

I forgot to add that with any program i would study DC extreme streching for that little extra.

And to quote Dante ´´what are 300pounds shrugs gonna do that 600+pounds deadlifts wont´´ and i think thats an excellent attitude to have when it comes to training heavy compounds vs. high volume isolation, because you cant do both. Getting stronger is anybodys biggest bet on getting bigger. Everybody who is freakishly strong knows this, funnily the small guys that arent very strong seem to disbelieve.
Damn Mikea I haven't posted up anything because Im still looking up some of these exercise along with some gear, PL gear that is, lol. Zercher Squats are going to be my new favorite exercise. This is good shit man, I cant wait like ive crying to Milk about Im pissed stuck in this rut not growing or getting stronger. I dont see this being a problem anymore. Sucks I decided to jump off cycle for 8 weeks. All good though I will gain big-time then my summer stack should take off nice.

? What grip you like on the 2' ' boards, close, meet, middle?

So 5-6 Warm-ups and 2 cores of 5 ME on Compounds?

Squat/Dead day would be a blaster with Romanina DL's for post chain movement I dunno know if I can hack that. I dont wanna miss DL though? Im gonna start with Pull-Threws.

Fuck Steriodology is killing my performance at work, thank god Im not still in the main office, lol.
BTW I tried studying Dantes DC Extreme Stetching but the site i keep going to wants money for his knowledge, I cant seem to find the right site? Im gonna plug it in to youtube real quick for shits and giggles never no what you hit there.

So you like stretching off days instead of end of lifts? I mainly just stretch all threw-out my lifts, their not stretches like Milks incline DB. I have a funny story about that BTW. I did it again Sunday. Picked up the 60's and watch the clock. Started shaking around 40 seconds this guy attempted to run over he thought I needed help until he saw me watching the clock, lol. That stretch is no bullshit. I have a rather large back in proportin to everything else and I love the way I flare out with that stretch. It's a staple for me now.
Started shaking around 40 seconds this guy attempted to run over he thought I needed help until he saw me watching the clock, lol.

ROFL!!!! Just check out what i wrote in my journal a couple of minutes ago:D

I like to stretch at the end and offdays also, but sometimes i get lazy:) Im only 27 but i want to lift until i die and i think strecthing is gonna make a big difference. I stopped for a while but just started again and once i get better im gonna try hot yoga!

Extreme Stretches (courtesy of the Inhuman one) - IntenseMuscle.com

As far as grip goes on board presses, MR Simmons likes to use a close grip when doing boards, i use all different grips tho, but with 3´board or higher i dont see the point of using anything else then a close grip.

Why are you gonna get PL gear mate? Are you looking to compete or what u looking at?

If you do benching i would avoid the BB style on the flat one as it will leed to injury. Using the PL style is safer, and allthough it wont hit your chest the same way you will be able to move more weigth which will compensate a lot imho, and you can always do db presses if thats your weak point. Back in the day when i learned the PL style i hit a 30pound increase in one session. Dunno how you doing it but im just saying.

Oh and as you already spend so much time here, start a log;)
As far as ´´So 5-6 Warm-ups and 2 cores of 5 ME on Compounds?`` it depends how much a person would lift, like a guy whos 3rep max is 220 would do atleast 5-6warm ups but a guy benching near 400 or over would do more. You get what im trying to say?
Zercher squats are the bomb btw, they kill your core, you can even try deadlifting like that if your mobility lets you do them safely. I currently cannot.
I hope you read that PM, LMFAO. Definitely a fantacy well could had been a reality.

Nah, im not gonna compete for now. If the magic starts happening maybe. I went to a comp two weekends ago to watch. The guys in my weight class were pulling 670 off the floor. The winner pulled 735 but he was an oager like 6 6 350. I pull 535. Got 535 twice before so i dunno see what happens. I was also thinkin of getting some wrist straps but they always been a double edge sword. They help me pull more but my wrist feels like its dangling by a thread.
Im gonna start a log as soon as I get home and start this first routine, I still havent read the others that fuckin Avon lady, lol, shit gotta go the girls just got off school, aw shit, J/K. 18 and up for me. Anyless gets you 5-10, and pervert status.
meant to say i was looking for thick wrist bands for Zerchers. I think i need to spend a week in a Bangkok Brothel to get this out of my system.
LOL...if you ever come round here ill take you around, the problem is you wont want to leave...well i didnt:D
LOL...if you ever come round here ill take you around, the problem is you wont want to leave...well i didnt:D

I might be taking you up on that if I get dumped, lol. Nah shes cool, she likes anavar so is understanding and knows what it's like on gear Anavar (var) makes her horny as hell. We look just look dont touch. I personally would love to touch, BUT.

I meant to ask you so have you found other PL to train with there? Good gym?

You like the pull-threws? I dont know what to do for my post chain movement? Ive tried Good Mornings but if Im gonna be going heavy I dunno bout them.
Well Mikea after reading and thinking about all 3 I definitely still like the first one the we will call it the mystery routine. The only modification is im gonna do extreme stretches at the end of my lifts. I was thinking like quad stretch 2x 40 sec. Hammy stretch 2x 40 sec. Then bench day I want to try the flat chest stretch that looks real nice. 2x 40sec. Then tricep stretch 2x 40sec. Work my way up to 60 sec. Definitely going to continue to do cardio off days im been seeing nice results lately findly incorporating cardio. Not feeling weaker like i was afraid of, knees feel fine and im keeping tight core and finally tightening up my big ass waist. Ill start the log as soon as I get home. Just over week away. New gym, new place, new routine should be a start of nice summer. Now if I can just find fucking Galenikas, lol.
Oh, I didn't see any nice lat stretch on the site? Im also gonna hit yoga again after talking about it reminded me just how effective it was. Should be nice mix. Power Routine, Stretches, Cardio, Yoga once a week. This should yeild strength, size and fat loss with great flexibility. Shit I might even be able to swing a golf club again with the old man.
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