3 third cycle test/deca need help


New member
Today I decided to run test/deca
My question is do I inject test and deca the same day for example:I inject 250mg test and deca 250mg on monday and Thursday. Is that okay to inject the same day???
I do it all in the same syringe. Much easier.

Listen I have done many a mixed syringe with different compounds a mixed. It's all oil bases so it never minds what the oil mixed... Kinda Simple Simon ya think ... OP do you understand esters, what they are / mean/ how it works.

With all due respect do a Little more study on esters and time frames of hgalf lives and more..

many newbies dont, as it will cause havoc in their lab readings and they wont know which compound is causing the sides.

How will lab readings be different if one syringe is used with test and deca mixed together vs using two syringes to inject each on separately?
I tried in my second cycle when i pinned superdrol, test C in the same siringue.
my labs where all out of whack and had to slow my roll and abort my cycle midway.
sides where crazy man, acne all over my back, dick was as limp as a summer day parade flag.
my girl sucked and sucked on my johnson to no avail. she left me for a month out of despair.